OEA suggests voting in Bolivia as "the best option" – News


The Director of Electoral Observation of the OAS, Gerardo de Icaza, said Wednesday that "the best option" in Bolivia is to organize a second round "to repair the irregularity of the elections ", even if the current Bolivian president reaches Victory in the first round.

"If, after the calculation, the difference margin is greater than 10%, it is statistically reasonable to conclude that it will be for a very small percentage. Due to the context and problems highlighted by this electoral process, organizing a second round would be a better option, "said De Icaza at a press conference in La Paz.

The official count of elections in Bolivia amounts to about 97% of the vote on Wednesday, the indigenous leader having only a few tenths of victory in the first round, according to a story that the opposition considers fraudulent.

Simultaneously, the head of the OAS Mission of Election Observation in Bolivia pointed out that the electorate had lost its credibility, generating polarization and mistrust. He denounced the lack of transparency of the process after the vote, but also because of the inequality noted during the previous campaign.

Reiterating the questions to the performance of the Electoral Tribunal for the way he conducted the count, marking as a very negative fact the resignation of Antonio Costas.

He also stated that it was not appropriate for Evo to declare himself a winner because there is still no definitive result. And he said that the work that the OAS mission will do is an integrity test, which includes various aspects and a rigorous control of the mechanisms of the chain of custody of the minutes.


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