Of the 18 speakers this Wednesday open informative hearings on the project of legalization of abortion in the Senate, 14 already presented to the deputies .
That is to say, if today as the majority of personalities was repeated for the rest of the days scheduled until July 31, the debate before Senators could become a kind of "echo" of the debate in front of the deputies.
"there are, although from the Senate they had already advanced to Clarín that" the idea is that the speakers do not repeat what they said in the deputies, but discuss about the decision. "
The purpose of the hearings before the Committee of the Whole of the Senate would be then that speakers refer more to the text approved in the House of Representatives than to the advantages and disadvantages of the voluntary termination of Pregnancy itself
In the list of speakers of today there are 9 men and 9 women:
* Maria Lucila "Pimpi" Colombo (secretary General of Housewives)
* Fernando Szlajen (Rabbi)
* Ernesto Beruti (Head of Obstetrics at the Austral Hospital)
* Manuel Garcia Mansilla (Attorney)
* Fernando Secin (urologist)
* Leandro Cahn (Executive Director of Fundación Huésped)
* Martha Rosenberg (Psychobadyst, National Campaign for Legal Abortion, Safe and Free)
* Patricia Rosemberg (19659002) * medical)
* Daniela Yozzi (political scientist)
* Hernán Munilla Lacasa (Attorney at Law) Catholic University) Argentina)
* Martín Farrell (lawyer)
* María Angélica Gelli (lawyer)
* Marcelo Alegre (lawyer)
* Matías Jurado (priest)
* Inés Franck (Medical Center) Bioethics, person and family)
* Mariana Romero (medical researcher of the Center de do y Sociedad)
* Belén Spinetta (journalist)
* María Elena Critto (sociologist)
Only 4 did not talk to MPs: Mansilla, Farrel, Jurado and Spinetta.
Also, although the complete list has not been confirmed, it is expected to speak again Leonardo Caruana, Secretary of Health Rosario; Adolfo Rubinstein, Minister of Health of the Nation; Ginés González García, former Minister of Health; Leonel Briozzo, former Under-Secretary for Health of Uruguay; and Mariela Belski, of Amnesty Argentina, among others
What they said "the rehearsals" of today
Maria Lucila Colombo (neutral) : "I think that no woman should be penalized because she practices an abortion." Freedom is words that do not go together Women do not have abortions in the family. Exercise of a right on our bodies Women put not only the body, but our life and our integral situation when it comes to pregnancy, children, abortion, relationships "
Fernando Szlajen (vs.) :" The Bible itself recognizes human life from conception, all supported by the current embryonic, biological, and genetic literature, killing a human being who does not does not threaten the life of others it is capricious, without rational, scientific and moral foundations. "
Ernesto Beruti (against) : "For years, we have heard in all the media that thousands of women die every year in Argentina because of illegal abortion, and that by legalizing it, the number would decrease. is that this is not the case, the statistics of the Ministry of Health of all the years published that 43 women died in 2016. No mother should die, maternal mortality due to abortion is in decline and abortion is not yet legalized in Argentina. Fernando Secin (cons): "What a calamity abortion! If we take for real the number that there are 500,000 abortions a year in the country, [legalizar] would cost the state 1,500 million pesos a year. Having to pay for all In health, the budget is limited We must address the priorities And we would need between 10 and 12 Garrahan hospitals to take care of all women for post-abortion complications Where will we receive all these people? abortion would be a failure of society and the country. "
Leandro Cahn (for) :" The decriminalization of abortion means expanding the scope of current legislation by not punishing this behavior, if a person who decides to end the pregnancy is imprisoned? A framework that allows you to make decisions about your body in a safe and healthy environment Camouflaged in other conditions, middle-clbad and upper-clbad women have access to safe abortions in safe environments. those in the most vulnerable sectors add to the illegality the unsafe environments that lead to hospitalizations and deaths. "
Martha Rosenberg (for) :" I was born of a belief that no one can substitute, penalize or decide what a woman does with her pregnancy. " Unwanted pregnancy is a traumatic event for a woman.It is a fundamental right of citizenship, the human embryo is not a subject, which humanizes it is the maternal desire that He wants to develop in his child. "
Patricia Rosemberg (favorable) :" In our country, since the return to democracy, 3030 women have died of unsafe abortions, we filled 10 planes, we did 10 Cro-Magnons, all those deaths were preventable, abortion for a unique and subjective cause, and what you do not have to do, it's to judge him. "
Daniela Yozzi (favorable) :" Politics helps to solve the inequalities within the population, today it exists e inequality between destitute women, who put their lives at risk by interrupting their pregnancies, and those who can access safe abortion There is also inequality between men and women, who learn very early that our femininity is determined by our ability to gestate. Our space, for centuries, was domestic. Those who oppose legalization protect gender roles, not life. "
Hernán Munilla Lacasa (cons) :" Intentionally killing a person is a behavior punishable by law, life is the main right of all people, the fetus is not a larva, as various sciences say It is also not an extension of the mother's body, never a human embryo has been transformed into something else than a person. "
Maria Angélica Gelli (cons) :" The you will not kill & # 39; has been a mandate of the penal codes of all civilizations. Human life has a very strong constitutional mandate, the right to life is a primary right. "
Marcelo Alegre (for) :" If the sanction failed, why insist on the repressive strategy? It will not be that the only motivation is ideological extremism. more in the slow legal secularization of Argentina, the process by which society badumes the regulation of its problems leaving aside the tutelary role of a religion in civilian life. "
María Inés Franck (against) : "The Pact of San José of Costa Rica affirms that everyone has the right to have their life respected and this right will be protected by law and generally from the moment. does not always remember that Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties gives us general guidelines for the interpretation of a treaty and tells us that a treaty must be interpreted in good faith, according to the meaning of the treaty. current, in the context of them and taking into account their object and purpose. "
Mariana Romero (for) :" We must pay off this debt that democracy has with women, abortion is the single largest cause of maternal mortality, two out of ten women who die during pregnancy die Abortion: Since the return of democracy, 3,030 women have died of illegal abortions: does legalization reduce maternal deaths? When the framework is restrictive, the maternal mortality rate is higher all over the world. "
Maria Elena Critto (against) :" The maternal mortality rate in Argentina decreased by 22% between 2001 and 2016. The main causes of these deaths are due to obstetric causes. , only 31 were related to abortion, and in Uruguay, after the legalization of abortion, the maternal mortality rate has increased dramatically, and prevention must be worked. "
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