Ofelia Fernández, target of criticism during a trip to a summit of leftist leaders in Spain


The deputy of the city of Buenos Aires, Ofelia Fernandez, He traveled to Spain this weekend, where he took part in a presentation organized each year by United We Can, the left-wing electoral coalition in that country.

At the event in question, the University of Autumn, the political figures who led Podemos spoke for four days, and at the end of this Sunday it was the turn of Ione Belarra, Minister of Social Rights and the Spanish government’s Agenda 2030, Pablo Iglesias (former second vice-president), former vice-president of Bolivia Alvaro Garcia Linera, Ofelia Fernández and Idoia Villanueva, among other leaders.

Time chose Ofelia Fernández as one of the ‘leaders of the next generation’ of 2020

Once again, social media has made the lawmaker’s name a trend. On Twitter, many questioned Ofelia’s trip following the photos she herself shared on her Instagram account, where they criticized the alleged high costs of moving her stay in the European country.

In a fragment of his speech, which Podemos posted on his social media, the lawmaker of the city of Buenos Aires said: “We naturalize, for example, that in Argentina there are working-class neighborhoods without access to drinking water, and private neighborhoods that have entire artificial lakes, we naturalize that the 22 richest people in the world, men , concentrate more wealth than all women in Africa combined. “

Fernández stresses that “there is a deep level of inequality and we cannot allow them to want to discuss poverty without discussing wealth, it is a trap and we must work around it”. “Insofar as there are many possible ideas, we must make disused land available and put people to build their lots with services, we must fight the real estate market as they have done”, a- he added in front of a full house.

The summit brought together Pablo Iglesias (former second vice-president), former vice-president of Boilvia Álvaro García Linera, Ofelia Fernández and Idoia Villanueva, among other leaders.

He later questioned meritocracy and the idea that taxes should be lowered. “We must obviously deny this idea, which happens a lot in Argentina, that the rich drown in taxes when they are all fraudsters, denying the idea that people who have a bad time it is because it does not make merit. For example, we must advance in a universal wage in social policies but also have a firm hand with the price makers, ”said the deputy.

At the end, to the applause of those present, he concluded: “We are going to fight, dear colleagues, to do what the analysts and the consultants say that makes you lose votes (…) When it seems like we are losing votes, we are gaining rights. Because our demands, at least mine, are not to make a living from politics for the next ten years, but to advance the freedoms of those who will come after me, that’s the story ”.


In United We Can’s convocation to the congress, where there were 35 lectures, courses, workshops and debates, they state that “it is vital to learn the lessons of recent years, such as public advocacy to fight against inequalities, the pandemic or climate change “.

In addition, they stress that we must “face the agenda of the economic powers which, faced with the crisis of neoliberalism, have engaged in the emergence of reactionary, anti-democratic and exclusive forces” with a “feminist, agenda “environmentalist, republican and democrat”, from the hand “of popular and progressive forces around the world”.

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