Officers fucking with a mobile phone in their hands – 20/04/2019


If it is unusual for a former president to walk with a dozen criminal cases and several preventative jails blocked by their parliamentary immunity, it is even more fun to defend himself by making videotapes at the same time. house with a mobile phone in which he tells the visit to a court in Río Gallegos or exposes the health problems of his daughter or, even more ridiculous, shows how the walls of the living room were scratched during a raid in El Calafate.

Not to mention how amusing it is to see the President of the Nation himself, if we examine the situation with a certain emotional distance, explaining the new economic measures in another home video made with a mobile phone in which he appears in front of a humble couple of Cambiemos voters. they encourage him and explain to him that things are very difficult but they understand the situation and they will support it.

Complete this program on Instagram mode politics with the candidate Sergio Mbada, who is suspended in the networks where he is seen driving on different Argentine roads, while talking to a compatriot about the difficulties he's going through (the compatriot, of course). The resource "video chat while driving a car" is already a little spent. In fact, there is another who walks around, with Macri and Vidal in a car tour running.

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In this format and in this position, I prefer the version of Jerry Seinfeld that we can see on Netflix and who calls "Comedians in cars drinking coffee" (Comedians in cars taking coffee) . I particularly recommend the chapter in which Jerry Seinfeld takes Jerry Lewis for a walk, shortly before his death. Also those of Barack Obama and Mel Brooks.

However, for those of us who like to separate what is in joda and what is serious, the idea of ​​explaining the economic measures with a videotape half – fart does not close.

I do not know your reader friend, but I like that they speak to me clearly. A short, sober and accurate national chain explaining important issues is more effective than any other these audio visuals on social networks to those who have been subjected by those who were government, what they are and what they claim to be.

It is true that Cristina has abused until satiety and has ruined forever the concept of "national chain", as he ruined almost everything he touched in this country. But Argentines deserve that someone recovers the institution "National Chain" to use when relevant issues need to be explained, if any.

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Then, if the president wants to play the bells and do all the morisquetas he likes to do, let him go. I do not have a problem. But for me explain things clearly and clearly. Especially if you break me. Because if you break the tuje but at least they explain it to you, in one of those, you are better.

In any case, if someone believes that this new way of doing politics is a delirium that has reached its ceiling, let me tell you that in reality, what we see is not than the beginning. The first season If you wish, we will name it: "The leaders kiss with a mobile phone by hand".

In the United States, with Donald Trump, they are much more advanced in this format. One could say that they are going through the third season of political trivialization.

Not to mention Ukraine, where ends today the fourth or fifth season already started. an unimaginable delirium, even for us Argentines. Let's see

Let us first clarify that everything I am going to say now is strictly true. Posta.

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Today in Ukraine is held the second round of the presidential election. On the one hand, the current President Petro Poroshenko, who wishes his reelection. On the other, Volodymir Zelenskiy, a famous Ukrainian comedian who has just played in a series on Netflix entitled "Servant of the People", in which he simply personifies a professor who becomes president of Ukraine.

Apparently, the guy was excited about his role in the series and decided to run for president in the March 31 presidential election. Nice as all comics, 41 years old, half-recovery, robust. I am brief: I won the first round with 30.2% of the vote and we are in the polls Sunday with President Poroshenko, who finished second with 15.9%.

Like all the second-place candidates, Poroshenko made an urgent call for a presidential debate with Zelenskiy. The comedian accepted the challenge but doubled the bet with a great video recorded in the middle of the Kiev Olympic Stadium where he said: "I accept the debate, but I put the conditions: we do it here, with 70 000 people in the field … Poroshenko, you I give 24 hours to decide, think about it. "The video is deadly (search on Youtube Zelenskiy defies Poroshenko in the Olympic debate).

The president responded with another video in which he said: "Do you want a stadium? You will have your stadium." And in contact he agreed.

Zelenskiy, who obviously has an extraordinary talent for joking, added some excitement to the challenge and proposed that before the debate, both candidates be tested for blood and urine to show that they were free of alcohol and drugs. A thug because in all of Ukraine, it is said that Poroshenko enters the Fernet without disgust. Or vodka, I do not know.

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The Ukrainian president has come to debate at the Olympic Stadium in Kiev last Sunday. Previously, and as Zelenskiy had suggested, he was pbading in the locker room to get blood tested and leave the urine sample. Poroshenko came out of the locker room with his shirt still wrapped (due to the extraction, of course), but discovered that Zelenskiy's stand was empty. The comedian sent a video showing that he was taking blood in a clinic and saying, "The debate is done when I say". A nightmare for poor Poroshenko. Lastly set date for last Friday, it is the day before yesterday.

And it was so. The stadium was full. Curiously, President Poroshenko was more swollen than comedian Zelenskiy, supposed to be more popular and it's also the favorite in all surveys.

The militants were in the stalls and on the entire playground, separated by a cordon of police to prevent the famous Ukrainian crack causing a tragedy. At this point, it should be noted that Ukraine is a normal country in which it is allowed to play with fans.

In one of the headers of the stadium was the scene of the debate and in the opposite head, there was a scene with rock bands. I insist, my reader friend, it's all after.

President Poroshenko entered the field while the Ukrainian band "Machete" was playing, making pop rock in Russian and supporting Zelenskiy. I do not know if there were bits of paper, but everything else though: flags, scarves, hats and headbands with party colors, chants, insults, whistles, flares, etc. There was no battery because you can see that the Ukrainian Peronists are different from ours.

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Then Zelenskiy came in and they made the slut in front of the whole country for two hours. Point

Today, they vote. Today is the last chapter of the fourth season. Tonight we'll know who won.

moral: We continue to make politics with videos of farting because we are going to end up with a jerk who is funny at Casa Rosada. With anyone who does not have a political career. With the one who takes politics in joda and only uses it to entertain and entertain.

Wow, thinking about it and considering the presidents who have governed us over the past 25 years, it would not be such a bad idea. Let me see. Give me 24 hours and I will answer you with a video.


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