Official campaign Big Data and dirty | They accuse na …


The members of the Jewish community have received these days, by WhatsApp, the text transcribed below and which states that "if the Calafate Pbadionflower wins, it will recall Nazi Germany".

As everyone knows, during the 12 years of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner's government, there has been no significant recovery of anti-Semitism in Argentina. The comparison with Nazi Germany deserves only repudiation and shows that the ruling party has no limits.

Obviously, this is an advertisement launched by Let's Change via a Big Data company, like the one that was hired in the previous election. In this case, Cambridge Analytica, from the United Kingdom, was reported in that country for being ingested in elections in Argentina and other countries.

Big Data is based on the inconsistent use of data, mainly on Facebook and other social networks, with which voters are segmented to the millimeter: ages, gender, religion, newspapers that they read the sites they enter are determined and a surgical profile of each citizen is formed. Then they use this information to send a specific message, such as the one sent to members of the Jewish community. It is certain that they sent a very different message to the members of the Arab community.

The argument used is also rude. They say that Cristina told the young people of the city 20 to read The Venice merchant, by William Shakespeare, to find out what vulture funds are. So, they say in the text, anti-Semitism is encouraged because in El Mercader, lender Shylock is Jewish.

Many experts, and Cristina Kirchner echoed
, recalls at that time that the national theater of Israel, Habima, represented Merchant in his country and chose this work for the Shakespeare Festival of the Globe Theater, in 2012.

In reality, the context is not anti-Semitism, but the use of biased information and advanced technologies to maintain neoliberalism at Casa Rosada.

[email protected]

Full text of the WhatsApp message received by members of the Jewish community.

Dear family:

For all those who have K friends (especially Jews), it would be good to remind them (and show them) that if the caulker calf wins, it will bring Hitler Germany back. The Jews will be their first target to continue deepening the crack and renewing their popular history. Argentina will experience a level of antisemitism never before seen. Other groups will follow later: there is no need to read between the lines nor be a great political badyst to detect it. Just read what he publishes and add two plus two: Cristina Kirchner, after an interview with elementary students, wrote on Twitter: "I asked them what Shakespeare's work they were reading, Romeo and Juliet I told them: they read The Merchant of Venice to understand the vulture funds … Wear and leeches were already immortalized by the best literature centuries ago. "

He obviously referred to the Jewish loan shark Shylock, one of the most well-known antisemitic archetypes of universal history. You may not like Macri, do not understand and do not trust her economic plan (you are not the only one) and even hate these gorillas. I do not want it. But if Argentina loses freedom of expression and the rule of law, cornerstone of the improvement of the economy, Venezuela will become a paradise next to what Argentina will be. Leave the pbadions to family, friends and football (sic). For politics and government, let's be statesmen who are not!


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