Official report says Trump has not conspired with Russia in the 2016 elections


Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has found no evidence that the campaign President Donald Trump "To conspire or coordinate" with Russia to influence the 2016 elections, but has not yet determined whether the president was obstructing justice, said Sunday the Secretary of Justice, William Barr. The president celebrated the result, but also clearly showed his resentment after two years of investigations that have darkened his government: "It is shameful that our country must have suffered this." To be honest, it is shameful that its president should have to suffer that, "he said.

Democrats have noted that Mueller found evidence both for and against the obstruction and asked for access to the full report.. They insisted that the summary presented by the secretary of justice hardly relieved the president. The prosecutor's findings, summarized by Barr in a four-page letter to Congress, represent a victory for Trump on a crucial question he posed from the start about his presidency: Did your campaign work? with Russia to defeat the democrat? Hillary Clinton?

But although Mueller was adamant in rejecting criminal collusion,and showed more circumspection around the issue of possible obstruction of justice by the president. Although Trump claimed to have been completely exonerated, the special prosecutor failed to determine, one way or the other, whether the president was seeking an end to the investigation. on Russia by its actions, including the dismissal of the former director. FBI James Comey. According to Barr's summary, Mueller exposed "evidence on both sides of the issue" and stated that "although this report does not conclude that the President has committed a crime, he does not exonerate him either. ".

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Barr, appointed by Trump to this position in December, and Deputy Secretary of Justice Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller in May 2017 and oversaw much of his work, went further in favor of Trump. He added that the prosecutor had investigated "in depth" on the question of whether the Trump campaign had been coordinated with Russia's interference in the US elections, with more than 2,800 summonses, obtaining nearly 500 search warrants and questioning of 500 witnesses.

The Attorney General stated that he and Rosenstein had determined that Mueller's evidence was insufficient to prove in court that Trump had obstructed justice hinder the investigation. Mr. Barr has already expressed a general view of the presidential powers and, in a memo from last June, casts doubt on the fact that the president could have obstructed justice by certain acts – such as dismissal. from the director of the FBI – from those who He had legal permission to act.

According to the AP Agency, Mr. Barr stated that his decision was based on the evidence found by Mueller and was not affected by the legal opinions of the Department of Justice that a sitting president can not be charged . The highest Democrats in Congress, Chuck Schumer in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, issued a statement in which they claim that Barr's letter raises as many questions as those to which he respondsincluding his own decision not to prosecute possible obstruction of justice.

According to Barr's summary, Mueller exposed "evidence on both sides of the issue" and stated that "although this report does not conclude that the President has committed a crime, he does not exonerate him either. ".

"Given Mr. Barr's public record of bias against the Special Prosecutor's investigation, he is not a neutral observer and is not able to allow him to make objective resolutions on the report, "they said. Trump's statement that he was totally exonerated "is in direct contradiction with what Mr. Mueller said and should in no way be considered credible," they added.

Mueller's research covers nearly three dozen people, including senior officials of the Trump campaign. He highlighted Russia's aggression against the American political system, presented the Trump campaign as impatient to take advantage of hacked e-mails addressed to Democrats and revealed the lies of Trump's advisers with whom they were hearing to hide their contacts related to Russia


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