Official trump opens the door to work with Cristina Kirchner


In an interview, Kimberly Breier did not rule out that the United States is granting a line of credit to Argentina if the economy complicates Macri's reelection.

May 11, 2019

Under-Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere Kimberly Breier claimed that the United States would work with the senator of the citizen unit, Cristina Kirchner, in case he wins the presidential elections. The official Donald Trump In addition, he did not exclude the use of a line of credit so that Mauricio Macri does not lose the elections because of the reversals of the economy.

"The United States has a very important relationship with Argentina and its country and we are determined to work with anyone who wins the elections," he said. Breier in an interview with journalist Roman Lejtman on the portal Infobae.

The reporter asked him about the possibility that the United States would use a line of credit.if the country risk complicates the electoral performance of Mauricio Macri. "The official replied:"I really do not know the answer to your question. I would only say that the support is very strong. Obviously, this is a real commitment to the government and the path it takes economically. "

To integrate

On the insistence of Lejtman, the manager stated that she did not know "exactly" if they would exclude this option.


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