On the occasion of a bloody Easter, the pope renewed his blessing to Rome and to the world – 21/04/2019


On a pbadover bloodied by the attacks in Sri Lanka against Christians celebrating the Sunday of the resurrection of Christ, with a temporary balance of 207 dead and hundreds wounded, Pope Francis sentenced from the balcony In the center of St. Peter's Basilica in front of the crowd, "the cruel violence that led to mourning and suffering" for the terrorist attacks on churches and other places of worship in Sri Lanka. Visibly troubled by this tragic news, Francisco announced what had happened to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square to celebrate Easter and asked for "the blessing of Christ" in the face of the tragedy.

After his speech that gave an overview of armed conflicts and national crises in today's world, Francisco read a paper with the facts about the situation in Sri Lanka, before his traditional blessing "Urbi et orbi, to the city of Rome and the world", applauded by the crowd of 70 thousand people gathered in Plaza de San Pedro and the way of conciliation, that the Argentine pope traveled aboard the catwalk after Easter Mbad.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Speaking of the American continent at his seventh Easter as pontiff, Jorge Bergoglio called for "concrete steps to solve the crisis in Venezuela, which continues and worsens. I am thinking in particular of the Venezuelan people, so many people who do not have the minimum conditions necessary to live in dignity and security. "He also asked those who suffer from precarious situations in Latin America. the Resurrection fills the hearts of all those on the American continent who are suffering the consequences of difficult political and economic situations. "

Francisco referred to Nicaragua and asked "that the Risen Lord enlighten the efforts made in this country to find as soon as possible a peaceful and negotiated solution in the interest of all Nicaraguans".

From the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis condemned in front of the crowd

From the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis condemned in front of the crowd "the cruel violence that led to mourning and suffering" for the terrorist attacks on churches and other places of worship in Sri Lanka (EFE).

"Faced with so much suffering of our time, the Lord of life does not find us cold and indifferent," said Bergoglio. "Make us builders of bridges and not walls, may he grant us his peace, stop the rumble of arms, both in the context of war and in our cities, and inspire the leaders of nations to end the arms race and the worrying proliferation of arms, especially in economically advanced countries, "said the pope.

"Christ lives and is with us"exclaimed Francisco. "He shows the light of his face of resurrection and He does not leave us when we are facing a lawsuit, grief and mourning"

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The pope spoke about the situation in the Middle East in his message of peace to the world "" I pray for the beloved Syrian people, victims of a conflict in distress that risks seeing us more and more resigned and even indifferent. "On the other hand," it is time to reiterate our commitment to a political solution that tackles the humanitarian crisis and promotes the safe return of evacuees who have lost their homes, as well as refugees in neighboring countries, including Lebanon and Jordan ".

The Argentine pope focused his attention on a Middle East full of divisions. He highlighted the terrible situation in Yemen, especially that of children "exhausted by hunger and war".

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Bergoglio then asked that "the paschal light illuminates all the leaders and peoples of the Middle East, starting with the Israelis and Palestinians, and encourages them to alleviate so much suffering and to seek a future of peace and stability".

Referring to the most arduous conflict of the moment, the pope asked that "the weapons stop bleeding Libya", where the latest figures show a balance of at least 200 dead, thousands injured and 30,000 people forced to leave their homes in the southern outskirts of Tripoli, since the beginning of the new phase of the civil war.

The blessing

The blessing "Urbi et orbi, to the city of Rome and the world" (EFE).

"I urge the parties concerned to choose the dialogue rather than the use of force, avoiding reopening the wounds of a decade of conflict and political instability," the pope said.

The attention of the Argentine pontiff was also focused on "the whole beloved African continent", still strewn with tensions, conflicts and violent extremism "that leave insecurity, destruction and the particularly in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon ".

In particular, Jorge Bergoglio asked that "the Lord of the Resurrection accompanies the efforts made by the authorities of Southern Sudan", who was able to celebrate for the first time today Easter after the oppression and the war civil.

Bergoglio also called for comforting people in the eastern regions of Ukraine "who continue to suffer from ongoing conflict".


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