On the occasion of Labor Day, Francisco declared that unemployment was a "global tragedy" | Chronic


Pope Francisco He described unemployment as a "global tragedy" on Wednesday and asked to pray for those who can not find work, during the traditional traditional audience with the faithful that coincided with Labor Day.

"Today, we celebrate the memory of St. Joseph, the workman, according to which the figure of the modest worker of Nazareth will always guide us to Christ", Francisco said on St. Peter's Square Vatican.

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In this context, he asked the saint's intercession for that "support the sacrifice of those who do good and those who have lost their jobs or can not get one", released the EFE news agency.

"Pray especially for those who have no work, which is a world tragedy of that time"He said at the end of the hearing.

Before pronouncing his catechesis, as usual, the pontiff traveled to Vatican's St. Peter's Square at Popemobile, where he was acclaimed by many faithful and embraced several children.


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