On the way to the step: Espert summoned a "hackaton"


The presidential candidate of the Awakening Front, José Luis Espert, summoned his supporters to participate this week in a "hackathon", so called a collective meeting that will leave ideas and proposals to try to generate a " tsunami on social networks ". digital "with the programmatic proposal of the economist.

The event, dubbed "Espertón 2019", will take place on Tuesday at the Howard Jonhson Hotel (Lima 253), between the ages of 14 and 23, under the slogan "Join me to send a message to politics".

"We have to do a lot of work on social networks so that on August 11, in Paso, people vote in front of Wake up," says Espert in a video that he posted on his Twitter account, calling the public to participate to his call. .

Spokespersons told Telam that the goal is to generate "a digital tsunami" with the participation of those who attend, who must carry a mobile phone or a laptop to follow the instructions of the organizers of the event. .

"The network campaign points those who doubt and still decide to vote," acknowledged the spokespersons, adding that in addition to "viraliser the content of the political proposals of Mr. Espert and the call to vote within the OSP, the president of the OSP voted "An application will be developed.

"We are organizing Esperton 2019 so that you can help your laptop or mobile phone to get Espert to the presidency.It is imperative that we have a lot of strength in the networks," wrote Luis Rosales on Twitter, candidate Vice-President of Awakening.

The term hackathon is a neologism used to unite the concepts of "marathon" and "hacker", in order to refer to collaborative experiences and collective interventions in which a group of people manages, in one day, to develop a application or Achieve a specific goal.

Espert's strategy to strengthen its social media presence follows the integration into the campaign team of North American political consultant Dick Morris, known for organizing the campaign to re-elect him. American President Bill Clinton (1999) and, in Argentina, for having participated in the campaigns of Fernando De la Rúa, in 1999, and Ricardo López Murphy, in 2003, among others.

Morris joined the team called by Rosales last week, with whom he worked for several years in political consulting. In any case, he recommended to Espert to search the young audience via Twitter and Instagram, which are the digital sites where this age group is the most concentrated, and to obtain so "contests Roberto Lavagna a third place in the STEP ".

"We owe the problem we have today to Lavagna, who is a developmentalist and a caveman, of those who will never succeed in making the country a good one, people forget him", he said. said a few days ago at a radio Espert, criticizing without contemplation who, strictly speaking, considers his main competitor in the capture of undecided voters, but who categorically refuses to vote for officialism or Kirchnerism.


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