One by one, the Merkel superpowers that Alberto wants by law – economic, financial and economic news


On April 23, the “national emergency brake“which was approved by the German Congress, after Chancellor Angela Merkel deemed it necessary for the legislature to decide to allow the executive to apply certain restrictions when coronavirus cases exceed the incidence of 100 cases per 100,000 population.

On Friday, Argentine President Alberto Fernández announced that Congress had been sent a bill giving special powers to both the president and governors in the context of the pandemic. From Casa Rosada, they made it known that inspiration is the law that gave the German Chancellor the superpowers.

In Germany, the objective of the “emergency brake” is to avoid steps and counter steps when defining measures to stop Covid-19, given the lack of unanimity to implement them in the various German federal states.

A special case was when, at the end of March, Merkel announced a very strict quarantine for Easter, and the next day, after criticism she received for wanting to increase restrictions on mobility during this period, she renounced the measures and publicly apologized. .

For now, the “national emergency brake” approved by the German Congress applies to various situations and is expressly aimed at “helping to stop the third wave of the pandemic” and is basically an amendment to the German law on the protection from infections that already exist.

Coronavirus and compulsory use of a chin strap in Germany – Europapress

What do you contemplate

When an administrative district or an independent urban city exceeds an incidence of 100, it will be necessary to apply this “emergency brake”, which are national regulations applied locally to limit the infectious event in question.

“What we need now is clarity and consequences”, underlined the Minister of Finance, Olaf Scholz, in parliamentary debate. The objective is to promote better understanding and better support for the population for the necessary measures.

In an incidence of seven days out of 100 cases, these measures apply:

  • contact restriction for meetings, inside and outside the house: Reducing private and professional contact is the most effective way to reduce the number of new infections. But that does not imply that no one is left alone, but that they are allowed to meet someone outside the home, even if the incidence exceeds 100 cases. The maximum is one person. Example: if 1, 2, 4 or more people live in a house, in total they can only receive one visitor inside the property, and the same outside: meet a person.
  • output restriction (curfew): between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., only people who report to work, need medical assistance or take their dog for a walk will be allowed to leave. Until midnight, it is still allowed to run or walk alone.
  • school attendance: see below.
  • store opening: Even in the event of a high incidence, the supply of food, everyday consumer goods and existential services is guaranteed. Food shops, pharmacies, opticians, gardening and pets, among others, are always open. In all cases, they apply hygiene measures and compulsory use of the chin strap.
  • home office: the obligation to offer remote work when operationally possible is already part of the prescription occupational safety and health due to the coronavirus. With its inclusion in the infection protection law, the obligation of the head office is reinforced.
  • cultural institutions: theaters, concert halls, opera houses, music clubs, museums, cinemas and memorial sites will be closed. The exception concerns rolling boxes.
  • leisure and sport: the facilities of Food, hotels, free time and culture must close when the incidence exceeds 100. The exceptions will be the outdoor spaces of botanical gardens and zoos, which can be visited with proof of a negative coronavirus test. The Professional and competitive athletes can continue to train and compete, as usual, without spectators and respecting the concepts of protection and hygiene. For everyone applies sport, but alone, in pairs, or simply with members of your own household. Children up to 14 years old are the exception, who can practice outdoor sports in groups of up to five children without contact.
  • body-related services: Only those which have therapeutic, medical, nursing or pastoral reasons can be made. The exception is the hairdresser or pedicure, provided that the customer presents a current negative coronavirus test and wear a chin strap.

School attendance: only a few

Since the end of 2020, in Germany only students in the last year of each school year attend face-to-face lessons, three times a week -and twice, online course, in a bimodal format-.

In two of these three moments face to face, a coronavirus test should be done in order to stay in school. The state provides the necessary elements for the tests, which are also carried out by teachers and school staff.

With the emergency brake, it is established that when the incidence in schools exceeds 165 cases for three consecutive days, the all the classes become virtual.

To date, 83,000 deaths

As, Germany has passed 83,000 deaths on Saturday since the start of the pandemic with more than 3.4 million Covid-19 infections.

The report published by the Robert Koch Institute indicates that on the last day there were 18,935 infections and 232 deaths, bringing the totals to 3,400,532 and 83,082, respectively.

The agency, which is the government entity responsible for combating infectious diseases, said on its website that the The cumulative incidence rate over the last week is 148.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a little less than in previous weeks.

Already in Germany 22,393,183 people were vaccinated –with at least the first dose, 26.9% of the population. Ace, 7.7% of Germans are already fully vaccinated.


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