One by one, what economic measures the government has announced and which it will define in the coming days to reverse the electoral defeat in November


The government’s defeat in the PASO 2021 election has raised alarm bells within the ruling party, which seeks to reverse the outcome with a series of economic announcements in an attempt to reverse the election results. This shock of the “good news” was supposed to start immediately after the primaries, but the crisis that unleashed in the Cabinet, with the subsequent replacement of ministers, generated delays.

During the last weekend, Alberto Fernandez He sought to contain the problems within the Todos Front. After the swearing-in of the new ministers, held on Monday, the Government resumed economic agenda. Some measures have already been formalized and others are still being analyzed, but all have a single objective: improve purchasing power reach the November elections with more promising prospects for the ruling party.

Then, a review of the decisions that the Government has taken and those that the Government will take to increase its electoral chances.

Increase the living and mobile minimum wage

The increase in the living and mobile minimum wage it had been announced before the primary elections and was rushed once the result was known. This Tuesday the Wages Council -10 days before the initially planned date- and defined a additional increment the floor of formal workers’ compensation.

The minimum wage will rise to $ 32,000 in October.  (Photo: Telam).
The minimum wage will rise to $ 32,000 in October. (Photo: Telam).

To the 35% who had already been granted will add 9% this month and another 4%, with which the minimum wage will reach 32,000 dollars just before the legislative elections. In addition, there will be another 3% increase in February. The improvement affects starting salaries for various activities and Empower Work plans, the beneficiaries of which receive 50% of the minimum wage.

Expansion of capacities in economic activities

During the campaign, the ruling party spoke of the heterogeneous recovery different economic sectors, depending on the impact of the pandemic on them. Once the outcome was known, the government put forward the plan to reopening of economic activities, industrial, commercial and recreational, in order to support the recovery of the hardest hit items. Although the preventive measures are maintained, the capacity for economic activities will be increased to 100%.

Reopening of borders and Pre-trip for retirees

The tourism and hospitality These are the sectors most affected by the pandemic and the closing of borders. On Tuesday, the government announced a plan to gradually reopen the borders and remove mandatory quarantines for people entering the country (staggered and depending on the origin of the traveler). Besides, authorized the travel of retirees and graduates.

In the same vein, before the elections, the second edition of the Previaje program was launched, which generates credit for 50% of what was spent on tourism services. Soon the Ministry of Tourism will announce a higher reimbursement of 70% for PAMI affiliates.

The government expects tourism to reactivate in the coming months.  (PHOTO: NA / DANIEL VIDES).
The government expects tourism to reactivate in the coming months. (PHOTO: NA / DANIEL VIDES).

Through his Twitter account, the Minister of Productive Development, Matias KulfasHe referred to the recovery of the sector and said the indicators are auspicious. “Since the relaunch of the Pre-trip (and the higher quotas with Now12), sales of travel agencies have exploded,” he said and affirmed: “With the measures in place, these sectors will have a new impetus. in the recovery. already in preparation. For example, we estimate for the next three months a 7% improvement monthly in hotels and restaurants and 2.5% monthly in cultural services ”.

Loans for SMEs

The Ministry of Productive Development has announced that it will allocate $ 3 billion to finance MSMEs with strategic projects that improve your productivity. As part of the Productive Development Program for SMEs, the government will provide assistance of up to $ 40 million in non-repayable contributions to businesses with strategic development projects. productivity.

The Ministry of Productive Development, headed by Matías Kulfas, will fund technological reconversion and productive improvements in MSMEs.  (Photo: REUTERS / Matías Baglietto).
The Ministry of Productive Development, headed by Matías Kulfas, will fund technological reconversion and productive improvements in MSMEs. (Photo: REUTERS / Matías Baglietto).For: REUTERS

The line aims to optimize production; strengthen the productive reconversion; increase and improve the product offer; increase exportable products and consolidate export destinations; and promote the addition of value to production through design, innovation and technology. In turn, the program promotes projects of productive activities of the green economy, resource efficiency, the implementation of circular processes and environmental adaptation. Funding can be used for advice, technical assistance or the acquisition of capital goods.

AFIP assistance

The collecting body has taken relief measures for taxpayers affected by the descent of the Paraná river and by forest fires. The AFIP it postponed the expiration of various fiscal obligations and suspended the privileges and fiscal executions for the taxpayers of the localities concerned.

New IFE?

As published, the Government wants to make a gesture for the most vulnerable sectors which are, at the same time, the most severely affected by the strong inflation and lack of work. The measures evaluated are diverse and range from a sort of “Segmented IFEWhich will resemble the assistance provided in 2020, but will reach among the 2 and 3 million people (instead of the more than 9 million who collected it last year) who operate in informality.

Bonus for retirees and AUH beneficiaries

There are also versions on the possible announcements for the universe of ANSES beneficiaries. There is speculation with the payment of a bonus for retirees and retirees and with an increase in the amount of AUH.

Credit to cooperatives

Another of the proposals evaluated by the government is to generate subsidized rate loans for the sectors of informal economy, such as cooperatives or small family businesses in working-class neighborhoods. Subsidized loans would allow them finance the purchase of machinery or inputs for their small-scale production. This is a proposal made several times by the former Minister of Social Development, Daniel Arroyo placeholder image, and that it could resume in the coming weeks.

One by one, what economic measures the government has announced and which it will define in the coming days to reverse the electoral defeat in November

Social plans for work

Before the elections, the government had already promoted compatibility between social plans and temporary jobs in the agricultural sector. President Alberto Fernandez repeatedly stated that he aspires to change social plans for real work, so that he can replicate this initiative in other activities productive, such as construction, recycling, textile industry and gastronomy, among others.

Enlargement from now 12

After the last extension of official plans for fee with subsidized rate -which extended the repayment periods up to 30 months-, the Government is evaluating the return of non-bank cards to the programs “Now”. These are plastics issued by financial companies, mass-market companies or supermarkets, among others. These types of cards have not only been excluded from installment plans, but also have rates much higher than those of banks.

Increase tax on non-taxable minimum income

It was one of the most anticipated changes for the middle class. After increase the income tax floor to $ 150,000 gross in April, wage increases negotiated in recent months have caused many dependent employees to pay tax again. Therefore, the government decided on Wednesday, as it had planned, increase again the tax-free minimum, which remained at $ 175,000 gross.

The income tax changes will be implemented by AFIP, after the presidential decree.  (Photo: Damián Dopacio / NA).
The income tax changes will be implemented by AFIP, after the presidential decree. (Photo: Damián Dopacio / NA).

Moratorium project

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio massa, presented a tax moratorium bill for SMEs, neighborhood clubs and other taxpayers affected by the crisis. The initiative proposes the payment of debts up to $ 100,000 that the Non-profit entities, MSMEs and small taxpayers expired on August 31, 2021.


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