One dead and 30 intoxicated by a fire in the su …


A fire in Mexico City’s main metro control center in the historic center has left one dead and at least 30 intoxicated workers, in addition to six lines without service, the head of government reported on Saturday. the capital, Claudia. Sheinbaum.

Further, he said the death was that of a policewoman “who appeared to have slipped and fell” although other versions indicate that the woman, between 35 and 40, jumped into the void from a fifth level.

He said the incident started at 5:48 a.m. local time inside the STC metro electrical substation, on the ground floor and 6 levels.

“(The fire) is almost one hundred percent controlled,” Sheinbaum said nearly four hours after the fire, adding that the addicts were transferred to various hospitals in the city “and at the time they are suspended from the Mexico City metro line 1 to 6 “. “We still do not have information on when the service can be restored”, said Sheinbuam and recalled that “the control center of these (six) metro lines is located in the same building”.

He said the service “has been suspended for security reasons and that a technical assessment will be carried out in order to know when service can be restored on these metro lines”.

The mayor stressed that in addition to having the support of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), which cut the power of the direct transmission line that supplies the transport.

Due to the effects, the public transport system (STC) confirmed in a press release “the suspension of service on lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 until further notice” and in support of users will provide the bus service of the passenger transport network.

As a result of the suspension, thousands of users who started their working hours were affected by their transfers to their work centers, for which the police, through patrols, helped with mobility.

TBS clarified that on the ground floor were 4 main transformers that feed lines 2 and 4 collapsed by the fire, derived from the oil spill.

While at the fifth level, workers were trapped and firefighters intervened to rescue them.

The Mexican capital’s metro carries around 6 million people every working day, making it one of the busiest in the world, although its demand declines during weekends and now due to the health contingency due to the covid- 19 and the start of the year has also fallen.


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