One in a million: Twins are born with different colored skin | the Chronicle


An unprecedented case occurred in UK, ore Kayleigh Okotie, He had different skin color cufflinks, and joked: “It certainly makes it easy to distinguish them! Due to a genetic quirk, Jaziyah was born with fair skin and straight hair while her sister Naylah it is darker and curly.

“It was a very good surprise. His father is black and I am mixed race, my mother is English and my father is Nigerian, but I never thought that the twins would end up having different skin tones “, said Kayleigh, the 32-year-old who lives in the town of Hackney, east London, and has four more children aged six, seven, thirteen and fifteen from a previous relationship.

Kayleigh okotie with their babies (courtesy of The Sun).

However, the new parents did not realize the peculiarity of their twins until the day after giving birth. After a hard job at Homerton University Hospital, Kayleigh and the babies’ father ended up exhausted. “I was in labor for hours and almost had to have an emergency cesarean. So after they were born I hugged them and I fell asleep almost immediately, “ told the Sun. And I add: “It was a huge shock the next day when we realized how different they were.”

Although everyone who knows them sees them as water and oil, Kayleigh can see similarities in newborns. “Friends, family and people on the streets tell me that they are nothing to see, but I am their mother and I can detect little similarities”, Tenuous.

“They have the same chocolate brown eyes and the shape of their faces too”, said. He also pointed out that it would be interesting to see if they will become more similar or more different as they grow older..

Naylah is darker and curly, while his brother
Jaziyah was born with fair skin and straight hair (courtesy of The Sun).

“They have completely different personalities which is amazing because they are only four months old”, Express. While Jaziyah is more laid back, Naylah is a bit more demanding.

“We are all very excited about the two little ones. My eldest son Kamil and my daughter Ayla They are fantastic because they help me a lot. And my two in the middle, Kaleem Yes Amara, they really like to play with them “, He happily spoke about the new members the whole family is in love with.

The whole family (courtesy of The Sun).


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