One in five skiers in Chapelco come from Brazil


The day of the skier is the unit of measurement used to know how many people spend each day on the slopes, although it involves counting twice the same people who spend two days or more on the mountain. If you consider that the average number of tourists visiting the hill in high season is 6,000 people, the numbers are very positive and reflect an unprecedented level of activity for this ski center.

Juan Pablo Padial, commercial director of Cerro Chapelco, explained that the number of foreign visitors on the tracks is important and that, among them, stand out the traditional visits of the Chileans, but especially the mbadive arrival of Brazilian tourists. "They are distinguished not only by language, but also by the fact that they usually come in large groups and are the ones who benefit from the after-ski," he said about this tradition that includes the consumption of drinks and meals at sunset and after sporting day in the snow.

In total, he said that 30% of visitors came from other countries, those coming from neighboring countries standing out. However, 80% of foreigners come from Chile and Brazil, the countries that contribute the most to tourism.

For Padial, the most notorious arrival of Brazilians is due not only to the improvement of connectivity, thanks to the proliferation of links between Buenos Aires and Chapelco airport, but also to the contribution made by the province and the region. municipality to the services provided. to the proposal of the hill.

There was more income from foreigners for the airport extension works

The expansion of Chapelco Airport has increased the number of access facilities for tourists from other countries. The benefits have been demonstrated by the fact that the hills closest to the terminal have the most influence from foreign travelers.

The province's tourism minister, Marisa Focarazzo, said that during the past week, 33 percent of Brazilians had flown from the city of Buenos Aires to San Martin de los Andes Air Base.

According to a report released by INDEC with May data, while the snow season has not yet started, the Neuquén airport has welcomed more than 500 travelers from other countries , which represents a 97% increase over the same thing. month of 2018.

After: Brazilians usually meet to drink alcohol and eat in the afternoons.

Currency exchange

In turn, he mentioned that the change of the currency, favorable to the neighboring country, is another reason for the arrival of the Brazilians. As he pointed out, many of them got to know the Neuquén ski proposal through a social media campaign.

In addition to the size of snow sports facilities, the ability to fly is the difference between the hill near San Martin and other peaks in the province. At the Caviahue Ski Resort, for example, they noted that there was a small percentage of visitors from other countries and that most of them were Spanish.

The current figures give good expectations not only for the last two weeks of July, when the winter holidays begin in Buenos Aires and other provinces of the country. They also announce good omens for August, a month historically linked to the higher income of Brazilians.

The actor Caio Castro has 17 million followers on Instagram

Brazilian Influencers invite you to visit Neuquén

For Juan Pablo Padial, commercial director of Cerro Chapelco, a strong commercial strategy was needed so that Brazilians do not just link snow and skiing with Bariloche and instead consider other Argentine alternatives in terms of rolling hills. .

In this sense, he put forward a campaign led on social networks and on the invitation of different Brazilian influencers to visit the different tracks of Chapelco and to show their kindness via Instagram.

"We chose personalities of different types, with the aim of reaching different visitor profiles," Padial said. He has been selected, for example, Caio Castro, actor and snowboarder who has 17 million followers in this social network, as well as Marco Luque, renowned Brazilian animator who also practices this discipline.

For Hill's reference, this strategy is not only cheaper than other solutions such as street advertising, but it has also become a more effective option for calling tourists from this country.

For the rest of the month and the month of August, Hill has thought of inviting new personalities and digital influencers from the neighboring country, with the goal of further positioning this destination of the province among the Brazilian skiers or tourists who usually return to Bariloche. .


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