One in ten parents think their kids are addicted to the Internet


Life on the Net

One in ten parents think their children are Internet addicts

One in ten parents think their children are addicted to the Internet, and 36% say they are concerned about inappropriate content they can access, according to a study by Kaspersky Lab, a cybersecurity company.

22.07.2018 09:29

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2018-07-22T09: 29: 00

  Life in the Network

In this sense, 39% of parents say they are uncomfortable because their offspring can access inappropriate or explicit content or by contacting foreigners (35% ), according to the interviewed parents carried out by Kaspersky in collaboration with B2B.

36% of parents expressed concern about their children's network addiction. Among them, one in ten under 18 is addicted to the Internet, according to his own parents.

Similarly, half (54%) of parents think that "online" threats to their children are increasing each time more, due to the increased time they use to navigate the web. In such circumstances, 33% of respondents chose to limit the amount of time their children can spend connecting.

For a period of twelve months, 47% of miners had to face at least one threat online 15% of them accessed inappropriate content, while 13% were in contact with a "malicious software" or a virus.

To solve this problem, Kaspersky recommends educating children to use the Internet properly and to warn them 37% of parents talk regularly with their children to explain the dangers that exist on the Internet and 34% try to monitor them when They are connected, which facilitates the identification of threats

With information from Europa Press

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