One million people in London ask to stop Brexit | Chronic


Tens of thousands of Britons who wish to remain in the European Union (EU) have stormed the streets of London on Saturday to ask the government for a second consultation on Brexit, which seems to be the last chance for pro-Europeans. Stop a process that, abruptly or negotiated, the countdown has already begun.

The organizers estimate that a million people from all over the UK are participating in the event, including the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who led one of the columns.

"No matter how you voted, I'm sure you will agree: Brexit is a complete and absolute mess.The British people did not vote for a bad Brexit deal." British people did not vote for a Brexit without agreement. "said the Labor mayor.

"It's time to give us – the British people – the last word," overcome

Under the slogan "Leave it in the hands of the people", the protesters gathered this morning in the central Park Lane to begin a two-hour visit that will end at the Place du Parlement at around 5 pm in Argentina).

The walking badistants arrived with the faces painted with the EU flag, allegorical hats and posters in favor of permanence, but also with slogans against the Prime Minister, Theresa May The most striking is a sculpture of May with a long nose, like that of Pinocchio, fixed on a doll representing the British economy.

However, the most striking feature of the event is the large number of participants occupying the main streets and arteries and the aerial cameras never seem to finish. More than four million Britons voted for a petition on Parliament's website asking the UK to stay in the regional bloc.

Next Tuesday is scheduled the third vote of the agreement reached between May and Brussels, a document in which the pen of Europe stands out, which had already been rejected twice by the House of Representatives and which, by not introducing changes, allowed to be rejected.

This week, May has managed to convince the European Council, composed of the heads of state and government of the EU countries, to give an iota and postpone the start date of the departure process, initially scheduled for next friday.

The EC has given until May 22 – instead of June 30 which called for Conservative policy – to activate the exit, but only if the agreement of the House of Commons is approved on Tuesday.

As expected by badysts and British politicians, the postponement would be postponed until April 12, the deadline for the submission of candidatures to the parliamentary elections at the end of May in the European Parliament. The predecessor of May called the referendum on Brexit David Cameronafter winning the election by campaigning, he would convene a consultation in this direction.

However, by winning the exit option, Cameron resigned and was elected in May to conduct a negotiation with Brussels that made it clear to all EU members that the cost of the club's exit is high.


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