One of Germany's wealthiest families learned of its Nazi past and promised to donate millions of dollars – 03/24/2019


During Nazism, there were cases of violence and abuse against forced laborers in the workshops and the private residence of one of the most famous trade dynasties in Germany, as reported by the newspaper Sunday Bild am Sonntag.

It's Albert Reimann father and son, Convinced and anti-Semitic Nazis who fully benefited from the Second World Waraccording to the surveys carried out by the newspaper.

Reimann family spokesman Peter Harf, who heads the Reimanns JAB holding company in Berlin, Germany (AP).

Reimann family spokesman Peter Harf, who heads the Reimanns JAB holding company in Berlin, Germany (AP).

The dynasty of entrepreneurs Reimann is considered one of the richest families in Germany and has many holdings in companies that have well-known global brands.

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Close to Reimann's heirs confirmed today the report and they pointed out that three years ago he was entrusted to an independent historian the full investigation of the Nazi chapter of the company's history.

"We are relieved that this is now known," they answered the question.

The father of Albert Reimann, a convinced and anti-Semitic Nazi who took advantage of the Second World War, according to research from a German newspaper.

The father of Albert Reimann, a convinced and anti-Semitic Nazi who took advantage of the Second World War, according to research from a German newspaper.

Peter Harf, president of the family holding company JAB and family confidante, said Sunday: "Reimann senior and Reimann junior were guilty, the two employers broke the law and in fact had to go to jail."

Albert Reimann Sr. died in 1954 and his son in 1984.

The economic historian Paul Erker of the University of Munich presented the provisional results of his research a few weeks ago to four children of the Reimann and his grandson, as well as to himself said Harf.

Jacobs, the billionaire honoring the Reimann (AP).

Jacobs, the billionaire honoring the Reimann (AP).

"When Professor Erker presented his report, we were speechless. We are ashamed and we become white as paper. There is nothing to hide. These crimes are disgusting"he said.

By citing letters and archival documents, Bild am Sonntag He said that Senior Reimann he was a volunteer donor of Hitler's SS since 1931.

His company was considered in 1941 as a "crucial" signature in the war because it produced articles for the Wehrmacht, the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945 and for the arms industry.

In 1943, the company employed up to 175 forced laborers and employed a foreman known for his cruel treatment.

Harf announced that will donate $ 11.3 million to an organization to be determined. The results of the study on the Nazi past of the company are expected to be presented next year.

Adolf Hitler observes a new Volkswagen Beetle model on 26/05/1938 in Fallersleben, Germany. Another company related to Nazism (DPA).

Adolf Hitler observes a new Volkswagen Beetle model on 26/05/1938 in Fallersleben, Germany. Another company related to Nazism (DPA).

The origins of this dynasty date back to the mid-nineteenth century, when Johann Adam Benckiser and Karl Ludwig opened in Ludwigshafen. a chemical plant.

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This is why the family still has interests in consumer goods company Reckitt Benckiser, which manufactures products such as dishwasher detergents. Calgon or facial cleansing creams Clearasil.

The American cosmetics company also belongs to the portfolio of companies Coty, with fragrance brands like Calvin Klein and Gucci.

Adolf Hitler greeted the German troops at a military parade (EFE).

Adolf Hitler greeted the German troops at a military parade (EFE).

In recent years, the JAB holding company has invested millions of dollars in purchases in the food industry. He has also become involved around the world on the coffee market.

JAB Holding controls giant Jacobs Douwe Egberts with coffee brands like Jacobs, Tbadimo o Senseo and coffee chains like Peet & # 39; s Coffee o Stumptown roasters.

Since its expansion in the United States, JAB has grown to become a competitor Nestle. It has also strengthened its presence in North America with the acquisition of the lemonade manufacturer Dr. Pepper Snapple with brands like Schweppes o 7up.

The Reimann family owned in 2018 a heritage estimated at about $ 38 billion, according to the estimates of the German magazine Magazin Manager. He was ranked number two among the richest Germans.

Dpa and AP agencies.



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