One of the defendants in the D’Alessio case was found dead: he had contacted the children of the “gardener” Barreiro and left several letters


The department where Carlos Liñani was found dead.
The department where Carlos Liñani was found dead.

Carlos Liñani was one of the enigmatic figures who appeared in Dolores’ case. In this case, he was prosecuted for unlawful association and for extortion of Pablo Barreiro, former secretary of Cristina Kirchner. Expert in foreign trade, former gastronomic businessman, confidant of the false lawyer Marcelo D’Alessio, acquaintance with the former prosecutor Juan Bidone, the former spy “Rolo” Barreiro, or even the businessman Pedro Etchebest, which sparked the scandal. Yesterday evening, he was found dead in his apartment, in the district of Palermo. As he could know Infobae from police sources, he left several letters.

The alleged foreign trade expert became involved in the Dolores scandal after meeting the children of Ricardo Barreiro, better known as “gardener” Kirchner, who was arrested in the notebooks case. Liñani got to know Pablo Barreiro and set up a meeting at the Hilton hotel on October 4, 2018.

Liñani attended the meeting on behalf of D’Alessio, who promised to “help” the Barreiro in the courts of Comodoro Py, where he was dealing with his father’s case. During this meeting, he assured that the arrest of Pablo was imminent. “Once they put you in, you’re gone, your old man is not going to be released,” was one of the sentences.

Barreiro’s children were suspicious of the situation and recorded it. In these audios, which ended up in the hands of justice, Liñani obtained a relationship with prosecutor Carlos Rívolo, who ended up denouncing him. For this episode, Liñani was prosecuted by judge Sebastián Casanello for the crime of “fraud with lying to attempted influence”. The decision was then confirmed by the Federal Chamber.

Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla sued Liñani for extortion of Barreiro
Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla sued Liñani for extortion of Barreiro

When questioned by the then judge of Dolores, Alejo Ramos Padilla, Liñani admitted his connection to the bogus lawyer but said he only advised him.

Liñani and D’Alessio had known each other since 2017, through former spy “Rolo” Barreiro, another of those prosecuted for the illegal spy ring.

Ramos Padilla sued Liñani in August 2019 as a secondary member of D’Alessio’s gang. “Liñani, due to his experience and activity in foreign trade, played a specific role in the organization, especially around the organization’s plans regarding the so-called ‘customs mafia’ or ‘container mafia Because he could use his particular knowledge in the matter to act with a view to greater legitimacy vis-à-vis the victims and to give greater credibility to the intimidations which were part of the battery of means which served in the development of certain operations, alleging links of its own or those of other members of the organization with the Federal Intelligence Agency, the United States Embassy, ​​customs officials, magistrates and journalists ”Said in this resolution.

Marcelo D'Alessio was tried in Dolores with Liñani.
Marcelo D’Alessio was tried in Dolores with Liñani.

His connection to Pedro Etchebest has never been clear. Liñani had programmed Etchebest under the name of “Pedro De Vido”. His explanation to Ramos Padilla was very confusing: “When I met him, through someone else, he was supposed to be in touch with the ministry, with De Vido and others ”. And he added: “I used to meet Pedro at the Panamericano hotel, we had a drink, we wanted to know if we could do something with the Secretary of Industry that I never had. , I did not have much commercial relations either, that is, although I have known him for several years (sic) “.

In addition to foreign trade, Liñani had ventured into the gastronomic trade. He was the owner of the restaurant “El Bodegón de Núñez”, on the corner of Congreso and O’Higgins. Although it is linked to “El Obrero”, this place belongs on paper to Juan Carlos Castro, his partner at Impex Lavalle, a food importer.

Yesterday evening, the municipal police arrived at the apartment located in Soler at 6000, in the district of Palermo, due to a gas leak. After evacuating the building, officers from police station 14B broke the door of 1B and found Liñani lying in the living room.

The police report states that there was no mess and that they found several letters, allegedly written by Liñani. Officers were surprised by another detail: the victim had taped the windows and doors to prevent gas from escaping.

Relatives of Liñani confirmed to Infobae that he was not worried about his legal situation or had financial problems. “He wasn’t bad. “He was always devoted to foreign trade, but the details of his life were a mystery,” the same source said.

The court case remained in the hands of prosecutor Adrian Guillermo Peres, head of the National Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor’s Office 46.

A few days ago, Liñani sacked former judge Norberto Oyarbide with a very suggestive message on his Facebook account: “Old…. See you soon !!!!! I miss you !!!!”. It wasn’t the only warning.


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