One of the Iranian ships bound for Venezuela left with seven warships on board


An Iranian navy ship which it is believed he was heading to Venezuela left her port at the end of April with seven rapid attack boats loaded with missiles, as reported by the specialized media USNI News.

According to satellite images, the new ship of the Iranian navy, IRINS Makran, was seen on April 28 after leaving home port with seven warships on board.

The ships seen on the satellite images provided by the firm Max match the characteristics of the family Peykaap. It’s about of medium-sized fast attack boats operated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the elite corps of the Persian regime, harassed American ships in the Persian Gulf.

In addition, the ship could carry other military equipment which is not easily visible in the photos, according to LIP. A converted tanker, Makran is considered the largest made in Iran and has a platform to carry up to seven helicopters. The ship is designed to be a mobile maritime base for small boats and airplanes capable of operating anywhere in the world. The conversion added a large flight deck, the ability to carry boats and other equipment on the deck, and additional cargo below.

US security agencies are tracking this ship and another Iranian warship, because they think their final destination could be Venezuela.

The way Politics, who cited three people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of not being identified, said Washington informed officials of Venezuela’s dictator regime, Nicolas Maduro, that receiving the ships would be a mistake. However, Caracas’ decision in this regard is unknown.

In the old days, Some fear that Venezuela is trying to acquire ballistic missile technology from Iran. The Chavista regime has spoken openly about the acquisition of weapons from the Persian regime. Meanwhile, Iranian special forces belonging to the IRGC’s Quds force could already help the Venezuelan army.

In March, the commander of the United States Southern Command, Admiral Craig faller, warned the Senate that the two countries have continued to expand their cooperation to exchange military resources.

“Last year, Iran expanded economic and security cooperation with Venezuela in transfers of fuel, basic food and military assistance, possibly expanding the presence of the Quds Force in the region, ”Faller said in a statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

“Tehran also relies on an Iranian state-sponsored, non-state-facilitated media system to to shape the dominance of information and generate empathy for Iran and Shia Islam and decrease Western influence in the hemisphere ”.

Pictured is U.S. Southern Command Chief Craig Faller.  EFE / Alberto Peña / Archives
Pictured is US Southern Command Chief Craig Faller. EFE / Alberto Peña / Archives

The question of the nuclear deal

In this direction, the presence of warships could call into question the American authority in the region, according to sources Politics, and it could ignite the debate in Washington around the decision of President Joe Biden’s administration to reopen negotiations with Tehran.

Last Tuesday, negotiations resumed in Vienna in an attempt to save the 2015 nuclear pact, in the hope that there will be an agreement for Tehran to fulfill its commitments again and for the United States to join again.

Germany, China, France, United Kingdom, Russia and Iran, the countries which remain in the pact, They have been trying since last April to reach an agreement in contacts coordinated by the European Union.

The United States, which abandoned the deal in 2018 under former President Donald Trump, participate indirectly in contacts, through intermediaries.

In August of last year, under the Trump administration (2017-2021), US confirmed seizure of fuel cargo belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards which was destined for Venezuela.

The seizure was part of economic sanctions imposed by Washington on Tehran Yes Caracas.


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