One of the young Chileans who escaped from the gallows escaped from Malaysia – 22/04/2019


Felipe Osiadacz, one of the young Chileans who was the subject of a lawsuit in Malaysia for homicide and he could be sentenced to the gallowsHe fled the Asian country and returned to Chile aboard a flight from Iberia on Friday. The young man had to stay in Kuala Lumpur because the judicial process was ongoing.

In August 2017, Osiadacz and his compatriot Fernando Candia met Yusaini Bin Shak, transvestite of 26 years.

According to the Chilean version, on the last night of his life, Yusaini met Fernando in the street and offered him to make love. Candia refused and the transvestite began to follow him, asking him for money. When they arrived at the hotel, the Chileans met and tried to get into their room. However, Yusaini is getting in his way and the conflict has begun.

Fernando Candia and Felipe Osiadacz were sentenced to two years in prison for intentional homicide.

Fernando Candia and Felipe Osiadacz were sentenced to two years in prison for intentional homicide.

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The violence intensifying, the hotel manager does not react to the request to call the police. Osiadacz and Candia put Yusaini on the floor and sat on him, holding his arms and legs. When the police arrived, the transvestite was dead.

So, November 15, 2018 They were sentenced for wrongful death – without intent – and to two years imprisonment. However, for the good behavior and how they had been stopped 15 months, the sentence was considered fulfilled.

Felipe Osiadacz is 27 years old and has been detained for 15 months.

Felipe Osiadacz is 27 years old and has been detained for 15 months.

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The prosecution, however, appealed, the Chileans were released, but with roots in Asia. I mean, they could not leave Kuala Lumpur.

Felipe Osiadacz, 27, was denied his Spanish pbadport and was therefore unable to leave Malaysia. But the young man would have used the Chilean documentation to be able to leave the Asian country and enter Chile.

Felipe Osiadacz arrived Friday in Chile on a flight from Iberia.

Felipe Osiadacz arrived Friday in Chile on a flight from Iberia.

Osiadacz returned to the international airport Arturo Merino Benítez. Not having an international arrest warrant, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile Roberto Ampuero He said Sunday that he "had roots in Malaysia". And added. "We do not know how he arrived in Chile."

Candia and Osiadacz were met during their work and holiday trip to New Zealand, where they had dreamed of spending a holiday in Malaysia. But their lives had more ambitious plans for the future: Fernando wanted to return to his country to open a restaurant, while Felipe dreamed of settling in Spain.

In recent months, they have not spoken. And there was a judicial waiting between reading and walks.



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