One study challenges the belief that breakfast is good for not getting fat


The myth that Breakfast is good to control the weight expands internationally, but there is no concrete evidence that this, or that skipping the "most important meal of the day" considered leads to weight gain , according to a study published Wednesday in the magazine British Medical Journal (BMJ).

A team from the Monash University of Melbourne, Australia, badyzed the effects of a regular breakfast on weight change and daily energy intake, based on the results of 13 tests randomly controlled, conducted mainly in the United States and the United Kingdom for 28 years.

The participants were regular and uncommon breakfast drinkers, of different weights, controlled between 24 hours and 16 weeks.

The researchers found that total daily energy intake was higher among those who ate breakfast than among those who skipped it, with an average of 260 more calories. In addition, those who chose not to have breakfast were on average almost half a kilo leaner than the others.

In contrast, the effect of breakfast did not differ between people of normal weight and overweight people.

Due to the variable quality of the included studies, the results of this research should be interpreted with caution, but their authors badert that the evidence currently available does not support plan modification in adults, breakfast is a good strategy to lose weight.

While having breakfast regularly can have other important benefits, you should be especially careful when adults are advised to lose weight, which could have the opposite effect, according to this study. .


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