One truck crushed one car and struck another in the Circunvalación collection


A truck crushed a car and struck another on a grim road that was recorded tonight in the vicinity of the Circunvalación and Mendoza collection. Despite the scale of the episode, none of the people involved suffered serious injuries.

According to witnesses, the vehicle was coming down the Beltway at high speed and without brakes. When he tried to dodge the cars, he climbed the rope, crashed into a Chevrolet Corsa and found himself at the top of a Chevrolet Agile.

According to the young man who accompanied the vehicle that was crushed by the truck carrying vegetables, "the truck was without brakes, we wanted to avoid, climbed the path and fell on us."

"We're fine because we were able to get out of the car quickly and the windshield windows cut my leg," he revealed during a dialogue with Channel 3.

For its part, the driver of the Corsa said that "the truck arrived quickly and without brakes, we saw that it happened to us, everything could have happened".


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