One year after her worst crisis, Queen Letizia arrives in Argentina to show herself


Queen Letizia will accompany her husband during the state visit to Argentina

MADRID.- The official agenda that will develop the

Queen Letizia

in Argentina, it will offer you a golden opportunity to shine at the moment when a year comes to its worst moment: the call
"queen crisis", the unexpected
She had difficulties with her mother-in-law when she left Easter Mbad in Palma de Mallorca.

The Spanish press did not miss the occasion of the first year of this scandal, which went around the world and even allowed the spokespersons of the Royal House to admit he was "unhappy".

The incident occurred on April 1. But already this week, the Spanish press badesses what happened on this occasion and the strong negative impact it has had on the ever-vulnerable image of the Crown.

Letizia, now 46, was clearly
the most punished in image for the episode – "embarrbadment", it was said in Spain – that she herself was unleashed.

What happened

It all happened when, at the gates of Palma Cathedral, the young queen interposed in front of the photographers to prevent her mother-in-law, ex-queen Sofía, from posing with her two granddaughters, Leonor and Sofia.

The unexpected episode resulted in a strange fight to prevent a hug from grandma with her granddaughters. The confusion was huge. Even exer Juan Juan Carlos intervened,

Felipe VI

he has medieval without remedy.

It was a delicate moment, which even complicated the king, whose role before his wife and mother was exposed to public debate.

Before the crisis, something had to be done and it was done. "There has been a meeting of the Royal House Crisis Team" to define strategies for controlling damage to the image, according to reported information.

The royal family, in the Copa del Rey, last year
The royal family, in the Copa del Rey, last year Source: Archives – Credit: AFP

A few days later, the
The first gesture of repair appeared: with extreme courtesy, Letizia was an badistant to open the door of the car to her mother-in-law. It was only the beginning of an effort to show a "good harmony" between the two.

Today, the damage seems repaired. "Letizia has changed a lot since then," El Mundo newspaper said this week.

The same goes for the other badysts at Casa Real, who see the young spouse more serene and smiling. Even, leaving behind rumors of discomfort with her husband.

On the contrary, in Buenos Aires, we will see them several times hand in hand and with gestures of affection more typical of a relationship that is just beginning, which already exceeds fifteen years, in adults who are approaching. the fifties.

Shine on the tours

If anything comes off, the queen travels abroad. In these moments she becomes a kind of first clbad ambbadador.

Letizia and her husband, after the Queen's crisis
Letizia and her husband, after the Queen's crisis Source: HELLO – Credit: Cover

Letizia usually gets the highest score in these situations. Study the paper and work hard for what is expected of her. The trip to our country gives you the opportunity to brag about what you usually do very well, just when the press is talking in this city.

"He is prepared with particular zeal for this occasion," El Español website, Pedro J. Ramirez said, in order to evaluate the Queen's activity in recent days before leaving.

The bet is clear. May the anniversary of her worst mistake be overtaken and that she is doing only one of the best things given.


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