One year after the murder of Marielle Franco, a murder revealing parapolitic power in Brazil | Chronic


The first year of execution Marielle Franco, the black adviser and leader of Rio de Janeiro become an icon, acts as a specter of the power of the parapolitic militias claimed by the president Jair Bolsonaro before becoming head of state on 1 January.

The Minister of Justice and Public Security of Brazil, former judge Sergio Moro, said Thursday that there was a connection between Bolsonaro and his family and the homicide of Franco, but added that he believed that an ideologue had murdered the party advisor of ### Opposition Socialism and Freedom on March 14, 2018.

"There is no relationship between the president and his relatives with the people who have committed the crime, it is not even taken into account, there is no reason for it. hypothesis in this sense"Said Moro.

Justice for Marielle and Anderson, the taxi driver who also died in the attack.

Bolsonaro defended for three decades as a deputy the so-called militias, parapolitic and clandestine groups who challenge the economic power in the favelas of gangs of drug traffickers. In addition, he was the only political leader who did not express his condolences at the homicide of Franco, who had denounced in the municipal chamber unlawful executions perpetrated by police officers in a favela.

Moro mentions that on Tuesday, two police officers accused of killing Franco and one of them were arrested, Ronnie Lessa, he lived a luxurious life and lived in the same condominium as President Bolsonaro, in Barra de Tijuca, facing the sea, west of Rio.

Lessa is a police officer being fired for taking part in police actions. He is accused of firing on the back seat of the car that followed the night of the 14th in the evening to join Franco in the streets of downtown Rio. The other inmate is Elcio Vieira de Queiroz, 46, also the police.

The arrest of Lessa occurred in the condominium of Bolsonaro, who said he did not remember seeing the suspect. The case of the presidential clan and the parapolice has resurfaced in a scandal involving his son, the senator Flavio Bolsonaro, who had as employees in his parliamentary office the wife and mother of a Carioca militia leader.

The widow of Franco, Monica Benício, asked to investigate "who ordered the murder". "365 days ago, we were sleeping in our arms for the last time, I did not spend a morning crying your absence, it's very difficult, but today, the streets will be full, shouting your name, demanding justice, arousing much love, in the world that wants more than knowing that you are at peace "Benicio wrote Thursday on social networks.

Lessa is targeted as who shot. Queiróz likes driving.

On the first anniversary of the murder of the girl, several events were recalled in different cities of the country, including Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The Marielle case has also become a matter of officialism and opposition.

In this regard, the deputy son of the president, Eduardo, denounced in the last hours that he "Despair of certain sectors" for having linked his father to the homicide, since it appears on a photo with detained Lessa. "My father takes a million photos all day"said the legislator as defense.

The photo of Bolsonaro and Queiroz.

In the election campaign, the Governor of Rio, Wilson Witzel, an ally of Bolsonaro, participated in an act where a sign bearing the name of the councilor was broken. The figure of Marielle Franco, politician, social leader, black, bad, was catapulted from the depths of the popular culture during the previous carnival, during the parade of sambadrome of Rio de Janeiro.

The closing of the samba school Mangueira, champion in 2019, was adorned with giant flags with the effigy of Franco, a homicide that remains unpunished a year later, without knowing if there were any instigators.

I also read: The bullets that killed the Brazilian adviser came from the federal police


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