One year since the world’s first case of coronavirus | the Chronicle


The coronavirus has completely changed the world in a very dizzying way and it has entered our lives as a very important factor. Likewise, it goes through different stages on the planet, even in much of the northern hemisphere it is in its second wave of infections.

November 17, 2019 was the date on which the world’s first case of coronavirus was established, in the Chinese city of Wuhan, in Hubei province. At that time, no one would think that an Eastern condition would drastically change the lives of Westerners, Europeans and Americans.

Patient zero would be a 55-year-old. Members of the medical community, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said it was only until the end of December that Chinese hospitals learned they were facing a new disease. And it was only until January 2020 that the outbreak of the virus in the city of Wuhan was officially reported.

Even from the first days, the coronavirus grew rapidly in the population, who did not know they were facing one of the harshest pandemics of the XXVI century. Since the first case on November 17, the number has been increasing. As of December 15, the total number of people with coronavirus was 27. AND At the end of 2019, the number of infected was 266. On January 1, the number rose to 381.


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