Online chat: Offenses can now be discussed online with a controller – 07/12/2018


By chat, in about 20 minutes and with all faults grouped together in the same procedure. This is the new system launched by the Buenos Aires government for to discuss traffic fines . It works through the official website of the city and Facebook Messenger. And the possibility of paying the amount due through the mobile phone is developing. The capital is the only jurisdiction in the country that offers this service.

The controllers (before they were known as fault judges) have experience in resolving road offenses in person. Now that they have switched to the chat system, they still have the same privileges as those they personally attend, except in cases where the vehicle or license was retained . You can chat with them from Monday to Friday from 8 to 20 from your mobile phone, computer or tablet.

The service is offered by 30 operators and six controllers in total, who work in three teams of four hours. Each operator can hold up to three conversations simultaneously. Neighbors who have already drawn lots with different controllers can group them into one so that they do not have to manage each management separately.

There are two ways to access chat: on the official website of the city or Facebook Messenger. In the first case, you must go to page click on the balloon dialog -or the avatar- badistant located in the lower left quadrant of the screen and write "Talk with a driver" . Then the system asks for a picture of the front and back of the DNI and the green or blue card of the vehicle showing the defects. Then the terms and conditions of the operation must be accepted, after which it is sent back to the controller to discharge.

  Fines cat. To solve traffic offenses online.

Fine of conversation. To solve online traffic offenses.

In the second case, you must enter the BA147 Facebook page and, once opened, click on the "Message" button. A discussion window opens, where it should be written "I want to chat with a driver" . There, the system requests that the patent or the DNI be seized to know if there are infringements

The recording can be reprinted from the web and, if a payment is to be made, the voucher is sent to the City Bank, the same for the cat him -even. common, or Rapipago or Easy Payment. This tool does not work when the deadline for voluntary payment is exceeded.

  Fines cat. Traffic violations can be discussed online with a driver.

Fine cat. Traffic violations can be discussed online with a driver.

Today, 59,000 people conduct face-to-face transactions for monthly tickets in the city. The headquarters of the Directorate General of the Administration of Offenses receives 58%, while those of the communes serve the remaining 42%.

The new tool, developed between the Ministry of Justice and Security of Buenos Aires and the Secretariat for Citizen Care and Management, is also useful for drivers of provinces who have made mistakes in the process. city ​​of Buenos Aires manage them without having to travel. To check if a vehicle that has pbaded through Capital has committed an offense, you must access the website, enter the driver's license or DNI, and make the inquiry.

"The average duration of solving a lack by cat is 20 minutes which represents a very important advantage for the neighbor who can access the service from the mobile phone and avoid going to the General Directorate of Offenses or a community headquarters, "says Facundo Carrillo , secretary of attention and citizen management

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