Online price online: global uncertainty hits the markets


On Wednesday, several countries (India, New Zealand and Thailand) lowered their rates and created uncertainty in the markets of several emerging countries. The Argentine peso was also affected by this situation, opening and approaching 47 dollars to Banco Nación.

In major banks, the dollar is around $ 46.90 and in some cases it already exceeds $ 47 on sale. At Banco Nación, the currency rises to 30 cents and is trading at $ 46.60.

Consult the online quote on Banco Nación

On the wholesale market, the bill climbed 42 cents to $ 45.74, an increase of 0.9%. Something similar is happening in Brazil and the dollar is going up by 0.50%.

"Three other central banks are cutting rates." Our problem is not China. We are stronger than ever, money is flowing into the United States. as China loses thousands of businesses to other countries and their currency is besieged – our problem is a federal reserve too …..

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2019

The decline in rates in several countries has led to fears of a slowdown in the global economy and capital has turned to the United States, where the yield on 10-year bonds has fallen to 1.63%, their lower since 2016.

Argentine country risk increased by 1.3% to 909 basis points. Argentine bonds started the day in green, but this trend reversed and fell on the international markets.

This international turbulence is occurring just in the week before the PASS, in which the government intended to control the price of the dollar and avoid exchange rate volatility. In the markets, it is feared that a triumph of the formula Fernández – Fernández does not come to aggravate this instability from next week.



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