Only 10 countries concentrate 95% of the world vaccinated against Covid


WHO European Region Director Hans Kluge reported that 95% of covid-19 vaccines administered worldwide were inoculated in just 10 countries.

It is necessary that “All countries capable of contributing, giving and supporting equitable access and deployment of vaccines are doing so”, he claimed. He also underlined the “enormous” efforts of the organization and its partners so that each country can obtain the drugs.

Europe must show solidarity with vaccines, urged the regional leadership of the World Health Organization (WHO), calling for poor countries to also have a chance to get vaccinated.

According to the data analysis website Our World in Data, the countries that dominate the ranking of vaccine doses administered as of January 14 are:

  • United States (11.15 million)
  • China (10 million)
  • United Kingdom (3.36 million)
  • Israel (2.16 million)
  • United Arab Emirates (1.53 million)
  • Russia (1.5 million), Italy (972099)
  • Germany (842,455), Spain (676,186)
  • Canada (419209)

Together, the amounts concentrate 95% of what is currently inoculated on the planet and of all the varieties of drugs available.

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In just over a month, some 28 million doses were injected in 46 countriesWHO emergency director Michael Ryan said on Wednesday. But despite the start of vaccination campaigns, the speed of spread of new strains of the virus, especially those detected in the United Kingdom and South Africa, is causing concern. “The situation is alarming,” Kluge confirmed.

Also according to “Our World in Data”, the list of the percentage of the vaccinated population, with data uploaded on January 13 and 14, It is led by Israel with 23.01%, followed by the United Arab Emirates with 12.92%, Bahrain 6.44%, United Kingdom 4.3%, United States 3.37%, Denmark 2.23%, Italy 1, 61%, Ireland 1.57%, Spain 1.45% and Germany 1.01%.

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In the Europe region, 25 countries, including Russia, have detected cases linked to the new strain VOC 2020.

“With higher transmissibility and a similar severity of the disease, the variant raises concerns: without better control to stop the spread, there will be a greater impact on health centers, which are almost overwhelmed and under pressure,” he said. explained the regional director who Despite everything, he took the opportunity to leave an optimistic message: “2021 will be another year of coronavirus, but it will be a more predictable year, the situation will be easier to control”, he assured.

hv / ds


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