only 9 countries have done so worldwide


In full development of the second wave of the pandemic, the Government confirmed on Tuesday 31,137 new cases Yes 722 other deaths for the coronavirus in Argentina.

The data was reported by the Nation’s Ministry of Health in the daily part with the records collected during the last 24 hours.

Thus, the country has overtaken 4 million infections (4.008.771), a figure that only 8 other countries in the world have reached: the United States, India, Brazil, France, Turkey, Russia, the United Kingdom and Italy.

With the death data reported on Tuesday, they are 82,667 deaths by covid-19, so our country is the 12 ° most affected in the world.

Argentina is the 9th country with the highest number of infections detected since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.  Photo: Maxi Failla

Argentina is the 9th country with the highest number of infections detected since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Photo: Maxi Failla

The number of patients admitted to intensive care beds descended for the first time since May 7. This Monday, it had recorded a new record, with 7,827 people hospitalized, while on Tuesday it fell to 7,794.

The occupancy rate of intensive care beds nationwide, all pathologies combined, has reached a new record, with 79.1%. In the metropolitan area, this number was 77.3%, below the record of 77.9% recorded on April 30.

As reported by the ministry, in the past 24 hours, 112,467 tests were performed.

Details by province

The territory of Buenos Aires was the district with the highest number of confirmed cases on Tuesday (10,819), followed by Cordoba (5,528) and Santa Fe (2-837).

The list of new and accumulated cases, by district, is as follows: Buenos Aires (10 819-1 688 355); CABA (2,131-433,425); Catamarca (506-27,216); Chaco (762-64,094); Chubut (326-65,838); Corrientes (115-55,062); Cordoba (5,528-346,946); Entre Ríos (1,148 – 93,527); Formosa (586-36 322; Jujuy (262-30 283); La Pampa (313-45 904) and La Rioja (190-18 810).

Almost 35% of the 31,137 cases of the day were in the province of Buenos Aires.  EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

Almost 35% of the 31,137 cases of the day were in the province of Buenos Aires. EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni

The list is completed by Mendoza (900-126.701); Missions (200-21 875); Neuquen (574-95,197); Rio Negro (471-77,596); Jump (563-50,040); San Juan (735-40 831); Saint-Louis (436-57,127); Santa Cruz (132-52,959); Santa Fe (2,837-366,387); Santiago del Estero (421-48,148); Tierra del Fuego (37-28 881) and Tucumán (1 145-137 247).

the 722 deaths reported this Tuesday they arrived from Buenos Aires (337); CABA (55); Catamarca (2); Chaco (22); Chubut (2); Currents (11); Cordoba (44); Entre Rios (18); Formosa (8); La Pampa (16); La Rioja (23); Mendoza (29); Missions (6); Neuquen (33); Rio Negro (14); Jump (20); San Juan (4), San Luis (6); Santa-Cruz (4); Santa Fé (55); Santiago del Estero (8); Tierra del Fuego (1) and Tucumán (27).


This Tuesday the first batch of the active ingredient to start packaging the Sputnik V vaccine in Argentina. They are 300 liters to carry out the formulation in the Richmond laboratory plant which, according to forecasts, plans to deliver the first doses before the end of the month.

In Argentina, 14.6 million coronavirus vaccines have been applied.  Photo: Lucie Merle

In Argentina, 14.6 million coronavirus vaccines have been applied. Photo: Lucie Merle

The same Aerolineas Argentinas plane loaded nearly 500,000 Russian vaccines ready for application, including 400,000 come from component 2, which is used to supplement the immunization schedule.

Also this week, a new shipment of 900,000 AstraZeneca vaccines from Mexico, which was due to arrive on Monday but was postponed by the laboratory “following an operational observation,” the government said in a statement.

According to data from the Public Vaccination Monitor, the official register of the national campaign, 17,895,790 vaccines were distributed this morning, of which 14,663,805 were applied: 11,577,809 people received the first dose; and 3,085,996, both.

The second wave

Argentina is today the third country with the highest number of new infections in the world. During the last 7 days – between Tuesday 1 June and Monday 7 June – the average per day was 27.978, a way that it goes down due to the effect of the latest restrictions. This figure is exceeded only by India and Brazil. In fourth place is Colombia, followed by the United States.



per million inhabitants


per million inhabitants

Fountain: John hopkins
Graphic: to bloom | Infographics : Bugle

In terms of incidence relative to population, the country is fifth globally, with 619 infected daily per million inhabitants. The four that exceed it (Seychelles, Maldives, Bahrain and Uruguay) have less than 4 million people, so their rates soared further before the new outbreak.

Data on new deaths is also worrying. Argentina is the fourth country with more fatal cases per day with an average of 550 (taking data from last week), which is a new record. It is only surpassed by India, Brazil and Mexico.



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