“Only a miracle will save her”


Jair Bolsonaro harshly criticized the government of Alberto Fernández and assured that “Only a miracle will save Argentina’s economy.”

The President of Brazil has announced his intention to hold the elections scheduled for next year, while casting doubt on the electronic ballot system in force in his country since the 1990s and reiterating his demand for reform.

There he warned of the danger of victory for the left, with Lula Da Silva as the favorite in several polls. And he cited the examples of the regimes of Venezuela and Cuba, and also that of Argentina.

“I’m not going to talk about Cuba and Venezuela. Let’s talk about Argentina. The regime they are defending didn’t work anywhere of the world“said Bolsonaro.

The harshest reviews came minutes later, speaking of the economic situation.

“What is happening in Argentina today … I was in 2019 and I said, with a lot of criticism, that if the left returned to this country, we would have to think of a Operation Welcome in Rio Grande do Sul ”, declared Bolsonaro, about the policy implemented to welcome Venezuelan migrants in Brazil.

And he added harshly: “People are already starting to leave Argentina. Only a miracle will save the economy. “

Alberto Fernández is leading a recent Mercosur meeting amid regional tensions.  presidency photo

Alberto Fernández is leading a recent Mercosur meeting amid regional tensions. Photo of the presidency

He directly pointed the finger at Alberto Fernández, with the example of the suspension of the export of meat.

He was raw with meat broths, “There was direct interference from the president, banning the direct export of meat for 30 days, saying prices would go down and people could buy. there was no meat in the refrigerators“, he recounted like a panorama.

Before, the president of Brazil sowed doubt on the results of the elections of 2014 (Dilma Roussef won) and 2018 (Bolsonaro only won in the second round) and reiterated that next year there will be elections in this country.

I want elections next yearWe will hold them, but clean, democratic, sincere elections, ”began Bolsonaro, who advocates a change in the electoral system.

“How long are we going to live with this mistrust?” He asked himself.

Critics on the rise

The Brazilian president posed these questions to Argentina in “Live da Semana com Presidente Jair Bolsonaro”, a periodic program he does on Facebook and YouTube.

His words are in line with the words he said a few days ago, also about the dangers of a return of the left personified by Lula Da Silva.

“Look at what happens when the left returns to power. In 2019, I anticipated it. The Argentines are already fleeing to Brazil. The Brazilians, where are they going to escape?” he called back this Tuesday.

Already in the previous broadcast of its transmission by Fluxg had targeted Argentina.

No need to have a crystal ball to say. Whoever makes the wrong choices will pay the price sooner or later, ”Bolsonaro then warned.

Another recent crossover took place when Alberto Fernández said the Brazilians they come from the jungle. “The Mexicans came out of the Indians, the Brazilians came out of the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships,” said the Argentine president, who confused the authorship of these words (he assured that they came from by Octavio Paz, but they are by Lito Nebbia).

Jair Bolsonaro's response after Fernández says Brazilians are coming "from the jungle".

Jair Bolsonaro’s response after Fernández said the Brazilians came “from the jungle”.

Then Bolsonaro responded on social media with the word “Selva! and the photograph in which he is seen smiling while visiting a native reserve.

He then developed his tongue-in-cheek response about Fernández’s mistake.

“I believe that Maduro and Fernández (…) there is no vaccine that cures socialism, the rather backward question in their head,” Bolsonaro said.

Are tensions are replicated in Mercosur, where Brazil and Uruguay promote the possibility for countries to sign bilateral agreements with countries outside the bloc.

Alberto Fernández has repeatedly rejected this possibility and even challenged Luis Lacalle Pou: “We don’t want to be anyone’s burden. If we are a burden, let them take another boat.”



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