Only four countries have reported more Covid-19 infections than Argentina in the world


Latin America yesterday passed the 800,000 deaths due to Covid-19 at a time when vaccination is progressing unevenly in the region. The country hardest hit by the pandemic remains Brazil, which is suffering the consequences of the negationist policies of the Jair Bolsonaro government and which is causing concern for the Amazon strain.

With over 804,000 deaths (in over 25.3 million infections), Latin America is the second region hardest hit by the coronavirus, behind Europe (974,318 dead), according to AFP’s count from official sources.

The health situation in Uruguay

Uruguay it was erected in the event of success in managing the pandemic. Without resorting to extreme measures, the country has recorded a low number of infections and deaths from Covid-19. However, the situation has changed. In highest number of new cases per million people in the world last week.

Uruguay has averaged over the last seven days of 837.88 new daily cases per million people, and went on to lead the world rankings, surpassing Serbia (753.04), Andorra (735.87), Hungary (720.60) and Poland (681.32).

On Sunday, she surpassed her record of daily infections with 3,853 and yesterday that of deaths with 45, according to the daily report of the National Emergency System (Sinae).

The Ministry of Health has indicated that to date there are 117,757 cases, 1,101 deaths and 89,035 cured. Just during Holy Week 186 people have died, a figure that exceeds the total recorded throughout 2020, which was 174. In fact, more than 80% of deaths occurred in 2021.

In the region, where the epidemiological situation is worsening in most countries with the expansion of new variants, it is followed – albeit from afar – Chile (359.67), Brazil (295.71) and Argentina (267.24).

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