Only six out of ten babies up to two months of age receive breast milk


Only six of each ten babies Up to the age of two months, they are fed exclusively with bad milk in Argentina. These figures were provided by the Argentine Pediatric Society (SAP), from which they also pointed out that at six months badfeeding took place four times out of ten.

The statistics come from the last National Survey of Breastfeedinga, which relieved more than 23,000 cases under the World Breastfeeding Week, which is commemorated until August 7th.

"One of the main reasons for this indicator is the l & # 39; ignorance parents and many times the supposed comfort. It can also be an obstacle insertion job women and even the lack of persistence in medical advice, "he described Gustavo Sager (MN 15088), pediatrician and chair of the badfeeding subcommittee of PAS.

But the pediatrician Monica Waisman (MN 41389), member of the same subcommittee, stated that the needs of children under six months "are fully covered by exclusive bad milk"because no other product can provide them with all the nutrients needed to grow in a healthy way. "" Although the tendency to resort to badfeeding increases the ideal numbers, "said the specialist.

The composition of bad milk

SAP explained that "bad milk is not a"but varies according to the time the child takes.

"In the first minutes, the milk contains a lot of water and sugar, to quench thirst and hunger. protein and, finally, it has a high proportion of fat: five times more than at the beginning of consumption, "they explain.Therefore," the baby must stay in the same bad until It is sated, in order to receive the three types of milk "they stressed.

With regard to complementary feeding with milks of formula, the experts specified that "they should be incorporated only by specific indication of the pediatrician and in very specific cases", because "they do not have the same nutritional or immunological quality" as those of the mother.

"It has three characteristics that make it unique: It is human, which implies that there is no risk of allergies and is specially designed for our species; he is alive, that is to say that he has white blood cells that help the baby to protect himself from infectious agents; and he's changing, because he adapts to the baby's needs both over the days and minutes, "Sager added.


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