Open Letter from French President Emmanuel Macron: "Europe has never been so threatened" – 03/05/2019


A letter for save Europe of nationalist retirement, misinformation (false news), foreign interference on the Internet before the next legislative elections in May.

It was published in 28 of the main European newspapers (one per bloc country) and signed by French President Emmanuel Macron: "Never after the Second World War, the European elections had been so decisive the future of our continent"

Macron speaks with the media in Brussels. (AP)

Macron speaks with the media in Brussels. (AP)

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

He called the Brexit (UK exit from the European Union) a "symbol of crisis and trap" that can destroy. He recalled that the nationalist retreat "is a retreat that offers nothing: it is a rejection without project"

Macron cited the Brexit referendum as "a symbol of this European crisis", how people can turn against Europe and see it as "a soulless market" rather than "a historical fact, the reconciliation of A devastated continent in an unprecedented peace, prosperity and freedom project ".

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In the British process, he said, Europe was perceived as "a failing country" that "needs protection from the world's big shocks". He also warned against "lying and irresponsibility" and the famous slogan "take control", promoted by Brexit supporters.

"Who told the truth to the British about a future after Brexit?", S & quot; is questioned the French president. "Who explained the loss of access to the European market?" Who mentioned the risk for peace in Northern Ireland when restoring the border? The nationalist retreat offers nothing. a rejection without an alternative, and that is the trap that threatens all of Europe. Traffickers of anger backed by the false newsThey promise everything and nothing. "

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According to Macron, "the dead end Brexit is a lesson for us all. "By suggesting that Britain deepen its connection with Europe, he mentioned the British:" In this new Europe, Britain, I am sure, will find its true place. "

In this letter, he added that "since the Second World War, Europe has become essential". And he has never been "so much in danger".

Faced with manipulation, you have to be "proud and lucid". Say what is Europe: "The reconciliation of a devastated continent and not a market", when the "yellow vests" take on March 16th they became as anti-Semitic as homophobic.

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In the polls, for the European elections, the Republic in March of Macron brings him some points of advantage to the populist party of Marine Le Pen.

"It's the moment of the European renaissance," he said. He proposed creating "a European agency for democratic protection" and banning the financing of political parties by foreign powers and "banning on the Internet, according to European rules, any hate speech and any violence".

"We can not let the nationalists explain the anxiety, I want an ambitious project that gives people control," he said.

Emmanuel Macron. (AP)

Emmanuel Macron. (AP)

When he called for a "protection of democracies" agency, he called for the establishment of a shield against electoral interference by foreign powers, pending the start of campaigns for the European elections. Security officers prepare for possible attack by the hackers related to Russia to manipulate the votes and generate larger divisions.

To prohibit calls inciting hatred and violence on the Internet, it is "respect for the individual, the foundation of our civilization of dignity".

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He clarified that "Europe is not just a market (as the British think it is.) It's a project. Freedom, protection and progress. Europe must be built on these pillars. "

They will control the national borders again and have a common asylum project. He called for a re-examination of the Schengen area, the European area where borders were removed and a joint border force.

He insisted on a single asylum policy, linked to that put in place by the European Union, but which has led to divisions in the bloc countries, particularly in Hungary, the countries of the European Union and the EU. East and Britain, who do not wish to host refugees.

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The letter of Emmanuel Macron looks like a manifesto against growing nationalism in the EU and launch a debate to adopt common measures before the European elections.

Paris Correspondent


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