Openness to the world and security, axes of campaign


Although changewill try to surf the economic axis in the upcoming election campaign, the opening of Argentina to the world will continue to be one of the flags of the official history.

The head of state who travels accompanied by the first lady Juliana Awada, will be two days in the India and then travel to Vietnam where he will also hold hearings with key officials and local business leaders. Contrary to security recommendations, the president has borrowed an online flight, a luxury service Emirates, which will stop at Dubai where he embarked on a private flight.

By not having the replacement of the Tango 01, the acquisition process was canceled by the exchange rate and the impossibility to face the political cost of a $ 40 million expenditure, Macri You must use rental flights or commercial flights for your international tours.

From General Secretariat of the Presidency they also claim that excessive expenses are incurred and that in case of reelection, the purchase of the presidential plane will be resumed.

However, the head of state will attempt to enter into agreements in Southeast Asia that will also benefit the large delegation of Argentine businessmen who accompany him.

The search for investment and the need to support exports are vital for the executive branch because of the need to have dollars from 2020 to face the payment of external debt.

At the local level, economic news is not good. Although Wednesday Macri told a radio station in San Luis that "Inflation decreases and the economy will slowly improve", a day later, the Indec denies it:The CPI for January was 2.9% three tenths higher than December's and a similar percentage is expected for February, where they will participate in the increase in transportation, advance payments and leasing. ;energy.. Although many badysts have reported the communication error, there is a formal strategy to anticipate a normalization of economic indicators from April.

This week the second of Nicolás Dujovne, Miguel Braun, whitened that "Inflation is expected to be 28% for the year, with which it is expected to be between 2 and 3 points for the next few months and which could gradually decline towards the second half of the year. ", which collapsed on the 23% target included in the budget and that of work had begun to be used as salary guideline.

The guilds came to reply that they would require 30% of parities. In a year in which the Treasury and the Central will need to support monetary and fiscal targets to reach the primary deficit, any official pressure on collective bargaining will not be a factor.

Although close to Dante Sica reiterate that the paritarias are free, the winding minister meets trade unionists to consolidate the official strategy.

In the week he was the spokesman for the act of Pink house in which Macri announced reductions in employer contributions to SMEs and regional economies to promote employment. A recipe that, challenged opponents, did not work in the 1990s and when an outgoing manager lowered the price by saying that "Macri had them on the table several months ago".

Does the influential leader, the former head of the Abeceb Consultant and former Secretary of Mines and Industry of Eduardo Duhalde, aroused the fears of some colleagues. He keeps his Secretary of Labor very discreet, Lucas Aparicio, who arrived at the offices of Alem Street banked by Guillermo Dietrich, which only uses it to contain trade union disputes.

A few days ago, the creation of Labor Advisory Committeewho will work ad honorem but is integrated by the labor lawyers of your kidney. And, as this newspaper has revealed, it is advisable in the shadows by the chief of staff of Duhalde, Alfredo Atanasoff, in the relationship with some unions.

The official received last Friday the holders of the majority blocks of the Senate, Federico Pinedo (Change) and Miguel Angel Pichetto (Federal Alternative). Is this due to the impossibility of proposing the reform of the work of the times of Jorge Triaca, will try to make the law of a work laundering that tries to take advantage of the job creation. In an elective year, the Congress will have few sessions, which seems difficult to achieve.

Yes the communication powers of Cabinet Office They are already preparing to define the presidential speech at the opening of ordinary sessions on 1 March. Before the fall of the extraordinary, the Executive insist on the approval of political financing as soon as possible; The possibility of discussing projects such as the punishment of barrabravas or the deferred amendment to the Penal Code.

The head of state will certainly insist on the need to continue to respect the legal continuity to ensure compliance with the agreement with the IMF. Just on Friday, the Minister Rogelio Frigerio received at Casa Rosada the technical mission of the Fund led by Roberto Cardarell only a few days ago I had visited Treasury and Central officials.

The grievor made a tax and financial presentation of the provinces: all are in primary budget balance, with 0.4% of PBI and the financial deficit has been reduced by 53%. The emissaries were worried about the way the country would arrive in 2020. "You have to win the elections first" to ensure the fiscal and monetary program, Frigerio would have told them that he had also given them a table on the political map before the elections: a reinstating federal PC, Cristina having a chance to get 30 points and a government confident of winning the vote. .

Tomorrow, economists will meet in La Plata with the Minister of the Economy of Buenos Aires, Hernán Lacunza who will inform them of the 2018 fiscal closure, contributions from Suburban Fund and transfers to municipalities. He had surprised the visit of the technicians of the Fund to the Deputy Minister Axel Kicilof, who admitted to having expressed his "concern" about public accounts.

It is the former Minister of Economy of the main opposition leader. Near Cristina, they were delighted to have "closed" the PJ detainees in La Pampa, Santa Fe, Neuquén, between Rios and almost certainly at Tierra del Fuego.. That is, there were districts where K candidates ran to give way to more powerful leaders.

"Cristina's goal is to prevent the provinces from painting themselves in yellow", explained a K operator who claims that since December, the former president has been approached, as governor of Tucumán Juan Manzurwho was critical and who flirts with the armed federal PC. He added, sarcastically, that businessmen also ask to be received at the Patria Institute.

Although the former president is already running as a virtual candidate, they do not want to make it official close to her. "We are convinced that on December 10, a project person will return to Casa Rosada Cristina is the main articulator, the leaders will have to unite and there will be some who will come to this space convinced or out of necessity. because it is clearly she who gathers the most votes. "the consultant consulted concluded.

This will be the first election test of the year with PASO de la Pampa: the former secretary of sports, Carlos Mac Alister will be competing with the Radical MP Daniel Kroneberger to choose the candidate for governor who will have the difficult task of defeating the elected Carlos Verna to succeed him, Sergio Ziliotto.

In the province, it has not been possible to advance so far the idea of ​​a large number of intendants to repeal the primaries and there is concern about how inmates of change in the districts will resolved.

In San Isidro, for example, the mayor Gustavo Posse must compete with Ramón Lanús, owner of Agency for the Administration of State Property (AABE), "blessed" by Macri, decree of extinction of domain through the recovery of stolen property to narcotics or corrupt, which already drives this party in the north of Greater Buenos Aires.


"We will not insult or scribble, we are committed to education"

"There is an emergency plan whose only goal is to reach the elections"


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