"Operation Jackal": an Argentine, the biggest forger of Spain


MADRID, Spain.- The name of the story could be a
bestseller police or a series of Netflix: "Operation Jackal". The name of the character recalls the soap opera: Néstor Aníbal. The case in question concerns a 70-year-old Argentinian who used several false identities. After almost a year of investigations, he was arrested yesterday at


by the national police who considered him the most perfect forger of documents in Spain.

With Néstor, his son and a dozen people were captured during the discovery of a full laboratory dedicated to the preparation of apocryphal documents, the largest found so far in Spain. They are accused of leading the country's largest gang of document counterfeiters, including providing Moroccans to enter the country, the national police reported.

In giving details about "Operation Jackal", the authorities said that Hannibal was a meticulous, self-taught man, a true "craftsman" of the fake document and that it was difficult to discover plagiarism that he had committed. He seems to be so "pbadionate" about his work that, when he was arrested, he explained in detail to the police how he made the counterfeit because he even invented ink drying techniques, according to the report. EFE agency.

He had been irregularly in Spain for 30 years and managed four identities according to purpose. Néstor Aníbal and three false: Juan Carlos, Alfredo and Mateo, one of them was the one he had used for his current wife. He had pension plans and a safe where they found 25,000 euros.

L & # 39; operation

Hannibal was moving the laboratory from time to time and the last, now dismantled, was in an office building in the city of Rivas Vaciamadrid in Madrid, which had a facade dedicated to printing.

According to the investigators, the group mainly falsified the family home residence card and driving licenses for a cost between 800 and 1500 euros. But the product
premium These were the pbadports: they cost 5000 euros to the end user.

This was no longer a group, they were very professional and had a great quality of entries. The researchers made nine disks and found in the printing press a sophisticated laboratory: two laser engravers, two pad printing and thermography presses and about 2,000 blank cards, most with the integrated chip.

Once the document was produced, the counterfeiters sent it by post, making the payment by bank transfer or via a payment entity.

Then, the recipients in Morocco reached the Spanish territory by air in direct flight or across the land borders of Ceuta and Melilla.

L & # 39; investigation

The investigation began in June 2018 and verified that the network had been integrated by Argentineans and Spaniards, who in turn relied on an intermediary network of Moroccan origin to facilitate documentation to their compatriots. who were in Spain.

The variety of falsified documents was very high, as they elaborated pbadports – Italian, Argentinian and Moroccan -, French or Italian identity letters, US visas or residence cards of Spain. (general and community scheme).

The case will surely have diversions, because agents found that the band was not only dedicated to selling fake documents for the purpose of illegal entry into Spain, but also to the creation of companies, opening bank accounts or applying. of credits.


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