Operation Palak: Two Paraguayans accused of having integrated a gang that has been trafficking weapons from Argentina have fallen


Two Paraguayan nationals accused of being the link between American and Argentinian arms smugglers and criminal groups in their country and Brazilians were arrested in the last hours of the city of Asunción, as part of Operation Palak , which resulted in the removal of an arsenal valued between $ 150 and $ 200 million last June.

The sources of the investigation informed Telam that the detainees were Eduardo Alberto Ramírez Canteros (51) and Carlos Federico León Ocampo (52), who had been located by Interpol of Paraguay in the city of Asunción, at the request of the national judge responsible for the criminal law no. Argentina 2, Pablo Yadarola.

Both are accused of smuggling weapons, illegally possessing weapons of war, ammunition and explosives and falsifying public documents.

Ramírez Canteros, nicknamed "Matungo", is accused, along with Ocampo, of being the link in Paraguay's group that smuggled guns from Argentina to criminal organizations in his country and in Brazil .

The case in which they are charged and in which they must declare themselves once extradited to Argentina is the one that was created following the so-called Operation Palak, conducted in June of this year and in connection with which a precious arsenal has been hijacked. between 150 and 200 million dollars.

As part of this operation deployed by the Ministry of National Security through the National Directorate of Investigations and the National Gendarmerie, with the support of AFIP and Homeland Security, 17 Argentines were Arrested in different cities of the country and three Americans based in the state of Florida, all charged with smuggling weapons.

The criminal organization introduced arms parts into Argentina, which were subsequently badembled and introduced into the illegal circuit, many of which were sent to Paraguay and Brazil to supply the groups with weapons. criminals operating in the border area, spokesmen explained.

One of the main defendants, Ricardo Deisernia (53), was in his home at 2500 Pringles Street in Martínez. An armored tank containing a large number of rifles, machine guns and machine guns was discovered.

The investigations established that Deisernia had a criminal record in the country and in the United States, where he was registering the business of importing and manufacturing firearms and contraband in the states of Florida and Florida. 39; Ohio.

Another of the detainees is a dentist from Bahía Blanca who had behind his desk a bunker where 45 weapons were found, mechanisms for training equipment for these weapons, rearming bullets, ammunition and knives.

Apparently, these supporters made contact and, in collaboration with the two currently detained Paraguayans, created an organization that sent weapons to the Paraguayan town of Pedro Caballero and from there reached the hands of members of the Commando Vermelho and First Capital Command, the most dangerous criminal organizations in Brazil.

"We are talking about the diversion of some 1,200 weapons, more gunpowder for about 400,000 projectiles, more projectiles, more anti-aircraft guns. We are talking about an impressive amount of money, "said Public Safety Minister Patricia Bullrich at the end of the operation.


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