Opinion | With poverty and always with the split that divides the country


1) Achieve zero poverty.

2) Fight against drug trafficking.

3) promote national unity.

Three years later, not only was the first goal not achieved, but poverty is now higher than when Macri took over, which will only get worse in the coming year. The fight against drug trafficking has been eroded into a security problem and activities have been carried out in this area, although no prevention policy has been put in place in the education system nor any relevant rehabilitation. in the domain of health.

With regard to national unity, today there is the same "crack" that Macri had supposed, but it was aggravated by the political struggle and the trials for corruption, which are necessary .

But Macri, in three years, has become a political leader and his speech is part of his strategy to achieve reelection.

However, the problems for which he has had the worst results, such as the socio-economic space, escape them.

It seeks to be at the forefront of the fight against corruption and for transparency. Its goal is to improve the level of public safety of the population.


Macri in Congress: "Argentina is better off than in 2015"

Keep trying to be new compared to old. He focuses more on what he could have avoided than on the outstanding topics. Those who oppose change and prevent it from achieving its goals are those who defend the interests of the past.

Foreign policy is an badet for the current national government and is used to argue that those who opposed it intended to turn Argentina into another Venezuela. But this talk will not last much in terms of political and media effects.

There remain five months for mandatory primary (PASO) and eight months for the first round. Many things can happen so far, and today 's speech, perhaps, may not be remembered tomorrow.

He may have consolidated his own troop, irritated opponents, but he did not convince the undecided. But what Macri has said is that he will be re-elected and that he will make every effort to achieve this.

Rosendro Fraga is Director of the Center for Union Studies for the New Majority.


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