Opositora responded to Trump after his controversial comparison with Evita | Chronic


In the last few hours, there has appeared an unusual comparison that has made the President of the United States, Donald Trumpof Alexandria Ocasio- Ortez, Democratic Representative of New York, with Eva Perón.

The same thing happened in an interview for the book of Tim Alberta, North American political journalist.

According to Alberta, when Ocasio-Cortez, a young woman previously unknown to Washington, won her elementary school in New York and surprised her party, she attracted the attention of the business tycoon.

"I see a young woman screaming and raving like crazy in the street and I say to myself:" It's interesting "", writes in Alberta and adds that Trump "fall in love" d & # 39; Ocasio-Cortez.

"I called her Eva Perón, it's Eva Perón, she's Evita." recalls the president who said when he learned his first electoral victory.

Ocasio-Ortiz won his elementary school in New York and surprised his party.

I also read: Trump compared his opponent to Evita because "fulminate like crazy"

Whatever the case may be, Trump was not complimentary to the 29 year old girl: "She has talent, that's the good news.The bad thing is that she knows nothing, she has judgment, which is an important factor, but she knows nothing. With time, she has real potential. "

Trump said it for the American Carnage book: On the Frontlines of the Republican Civil War (American Carnage: In the Foreground of the Republican Civil War).

After reading these words, Ocasio-Cortez responded to the Yankees' president via his Twitter account, using expressions from the same Evita Perón. "I know that, like all women, I have more strength than it seems"said the young member of the Democratic Congress.

"I had been watching and seeing how a few wealthy families had a lot of the wealth and power of Argentina in their hands for many years, so the government set up an eight-hour work day. sick pay and fair wages to give the working poor a fair benefit. "

– Evita Perón

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC)
July 7, 2019

Finally, he shared with his followers another saying of the famous wife of Perón: "For many years I have seen how much wealthy and powerful Argentina's wealthy families had, so the government decided to set an eight-hour working day, a sick pay and a fair wage for the working poor – a fair opportunity. "


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