Opponents went on to accuse the Ortega government, according to Murillo


"Between them, they took their own lives to blame the government," he said in a message in the official media, in which he praised "the work for the peace of the national police" [19659002]. Three months after the beginning of the crisis, "the blame for these deaths falls on the terrorist and criminal coup in Nicaragua."

He said that the critics of the government, "for their ambitious and typical trials of this culture of drug addiction With whom they claimed to terrorize our country," they slept. "

" The Nicaraguan people knows that he too took his life to blame the government, "he insisted.

Murillo announced that they would seek justice, reparation and human rights for all families who have suffered terror and violence.

He noted that "the people are indignant", however, he baderted that the government does not harbor "hatred or desire for revenge" "We know that he There are institutions that will do justice to all the victims of the plot against terrorism. "We know that there are institutions that can recognize the crimes and crimes of those who have caused so much suffering. deaths, so much suffering, so many aberrant crimes and in our Nicaragua, and we have confidence in justice, "he said. Daniel Ortega maintains absolute control over all powers of the state, including the judiciary, according to different sectors.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has designated the state as "solely responsible" for the violence in Nicaragua. He used his security forces to "suppress, kill, cause injury and arbitrary detentions", according to his executive secretary, Paulo Abrão.

Also the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) and humanitarian agencies The Ortega government has been blamed for the gross human rights violations in the context of the current crisis .

Viola These include "killings, extrajudicial executions, ill-treatment, torture and arbitrary detentions against the majority of the country's young population", according to the IACHR, which was rejected by the Nicaraguan Government

. The most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s, with Ortega also as president, which cost between 277 and 351 lives.

Protests against Ortega began on April 18, due to the failure of reforms of the Social Security and became a claim that calls for the resignation of the president, after eleven years in power, with charges abuse and corruption against him.

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