Opportunities and demand for concrete results: what left the South-South Summit?


Mauricio Macri with Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations.

Mauricio Macri with Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations.

With the participation of more than 180 delegations, including representatives of multilateral organizations and regional blocs, Argentina was the seat this week of a new major international event: the United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, also called PABA + 40.

Although there has been no concrete announcement of future investments at the end, the government felt that the meeting had been a success and that the summit – which is held for the second time after 40 years – will serve as a framework for accelerating the cooperation agreements already underway and open new markets.

In a special cover, The world chronicler -The audiovisual cycle of The chronicler on the international agenda with an impact on Argentina – the protagonists of the meeting interviewed, including vice chancellor Argentine, Gustavo Zlauvinen, responsible for providing the summary at the final press conference.

In the interview, Zlauvinen Note what were the areas of economic activity conversations with other countries and stressed the importance of funding:

The private sector He was present at the summit. Víctor Dosortez, President of Argentine Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), defended multilateralism and working together as ways to facilitate the exchange and insertion of new markets.

He also badyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Mercosur in the light of the last summit between the Presidents Mauricio Macri and his Brazilian pair Jair Bolsonaro:

In this United Nations initiative, which transformed the Buenos Aires Convention Center into a plenary in the manner of the New York General Assemblies from Wednesday to Friday, work is also underway. UN Global Development Goals for 2030.

Luis Felipe López-Calva, economist and director for Latin America and the Caribbean of UNDP's UN programspoke about the summit's goals and the concern for the social situation with regard to the need to improve productivity and inclusion.

In conversation with The world chronicler, also offered an interesting badysis on the situation of intermediate sectors of society in the region:

What does PABA + 40 mean?

The United Nations High-Level Conference on South-South Cooperation, relevant multilateral event, held until yesterday in Buenos Aires by decision of the UN General Assembly in 2017.

UN member countries, as well as regional and international organizations, participate in this summit and also participate in side events at the meeting (parallel events).

The officially sought-after cooperation is between developing countries, for the exchange of knowledge and experiences that strengthen their capacities. There is an attempt to differentiate between North-South cooperation, in which developed countries make contributions to developing countries in a more unidirectional way. The concept is calling "Global South" and attracts the public and private sectors of Emerging Markets.

The conference is calling PABA + 40 because after its creation, in 1978, it was realized in Buenos Aires the United Nations Summit on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC), in which the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAAP) was signed.

Among the main actors of the conference are countries like China e India.


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