Oral trial opened three defendants for massive spread of HIV and hepatitis C


The oral trial from 1979 to 1991 of three former executives of the Hemophilia Foundation for the mbadive spread of HIV and hepatitis C patients began today with the reading of the file. the charge, by the Federal Federal Court 3. Withdrawal

The debate takes place before a sole proprietorship court, headed by Judge Fernando Machado Pelloni, and appears before Drs. Pedro Raul Perez, Miguel de Tezanos Pinto and Eduardo Viedma, lawyer.

The three accused attended the hearing in Room A of Comodoro Py 2002, as well as affected patients and their families.

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"It is a serious illness that has caused mbadive infection and sometimes death," said prosecutor in charge of the investigation, María Alejandra Mángano., as was recalled when reading his charge at the beginning of the hearing.

The investigation was opened in 2005 as a result of a complaint by the lawyer Gonzalo Giadone.

The accused did not inform patients of the possibility of an infection. That is why the spread was multiplied by people who had regular contact with them without appropriate prevention, because the infected people did not know that they had been infected, "he said.

It was the application of antihemophilic factors 9 and 8 knowing that they were unreliable and that they had been rejected by Japan and the United States. ", this has been recalled in the requirement of elevation to trial.

"Clear carefree"

From the beginning of the year 2000, some of the infected people began to die, whose names were recalled to the hearing.

For the prosecution, there was an "obvious carelessness" in the accused's professional duty: "A dangerous and contagious disease" as HIV has spread, the prosecution has been warned.

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Pérez is currently a retired physician, was medical director of the Foundation and currently lives in Arraial D'Ajuda, Brazil.

Tezanos Pinto was medical advisor for the Foundation and secretary of the Viedma Board of Directors.

Prosecutor Patricio García Elorrio intervenes in the trial.


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