Orange’s serial femicide sentenced to 160 years in prison: the words of the father of one of his victims looking him in the eye


Khalil Wheeler-Weaver, 25, listens to his conviction in court in Newark, NJ on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 (AP Photo / Seth Wenig, Pool)
Khalil Wheeler-Weaver, 25, listens to his conviction in court in Newark, NJ on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 (AP Photo / Seth Wenig, Pool)

Khalil Wheeler-Weaver, 25 years, he was sentenced to 160 years in prison after being judged by three feminicides and an assassination attempt and other fees, such as removal, desecration of human remains e aggravated arson. The murderer of three women learned on Wednesday how the only victim left alive – thanks to the fact that he managed to escape – he declared before a judge of New sweater.

As found by the news agency The Associated Press, Tiffany taylor spoke up and said: “My whole life is different”. “I don’t wear makeup anymore; I have no friends. I am still paranoid. But I am happy to be here. Hope they show him no remorse, cause he shows no remorse“Added the victim who managed to survive the magistrate.

Between September and November 2016, Wheeler-Weaver raped and murdered 3 women. In the middle, he also raped and kidnapped Taylor, although she was able to escape the clutches of femicide..

The first victim was Robin West, a 19-year-old girl who lived Philadelphia cream. She was found dead and set on fire in an abandoned house in the town of Orange, New Jersey in September 2016. His body was so disfigured that coroners could only identify him using dental records., as reported PA.

Next month Weaver-roller he has met his next victim. Joanne brown, 33, who disappeared for more than a month before authorities found her body. Her eyes and mouth were covered with duct tape and a cloak was tied around her neck. It was also found in an abandoned house in Orange.

In November, there was his meeting with Taylor. The victim, 34 years old at the time of the events, I was homeless and pregnant of a few months. As he told the newspaper North Jersey, connected with Roller Thanks to a mutual friend and for weeks, he called her and texted her. One night they arranged to meet and Taylor came to pick him up. The feminicide was wearing gloves and a ski mask when he got into the car. After a while, he told her that she had to go to the bathroom and asked her to stop the car.

It was the last one I remember“, noted. “Then I woke up in the back seat and was choking and raping from behind … and then he strangled me even more … and I passed out”.

After raping her several times, according to Taylor, handcuffed her and put duct tape around her face. Corn Taylor managed to remove the tape from her mouth and was able to free one of her hands from the handcuffs thanks to the hypermobility of her joints, which is known as double joints.

Without that Roller realized his free hand, convinced him to take her back to his hotel room to give him his cell phone, which contained evidence of his texts and calls. He accepted.

Khalil Wheeler-Weaver, 25, reads a statement during his sentencing in Newark, NJ on Wednesday, October 6, 2021. (AP Photo / Seth Wenig, Pool)
Khalil Wheeler-Weaver, 25, reads a statement during his sentencing in Newark, NJ on Wednesday, October 6, 2021. (AP Photo / Seth Wenig, Pool)

While Roller Waiting on the other side of the door, Taylor recounted the situation to her friend who was in the room. Wheeler started to get impatient and knock on the door, but at this point Taylor showed him his free hand and Wheeler ran away. At once Taylor called the police, but they did not come to the scene. “They didn’t believe me“, said the woman.”They thought i was lying”. Wheeler-Weaver remained on the run and murdered his last victim shortly after..

Sarah butler, 20, had returned home for Thanksgiving and met who would be her murderer through the dating app Tagged. After an exchange of messages, Wheeler offered to pay her $ 500 to have sex. “You are not a serial killer, are you?“, She replied.

After she had been missing for 5 days and the police had no evidence of anything, Butler’s sister and friends hacked his Tagged account and found the messages with Wheeler. They created a fake profile and arranged to meet him at a cafe. The intercepted it police and questioned him but did not arrest him.

On December 1, they found the body of butler, hidden among the plants in a nature reserve. Five days later, Wheeler was arrested, after being connected to the three murders after investigating his cell phone data, internet searches and some text messages.

On Wednesday, during the hearing during which the sentence was known, the parents of the victims addressed the judge and the accused, leaving speeches that moved the audience present.

Victor Butler, father of Sarah Butler, stands with his family as he delivers a statement on the impact of the victim during the sentencing of Khalil Wheeler-Weaver in Newark, NJ on Wednesday October 6, 2021 (AP Photo / Seth Wenig, Pool)
Victor Butler, father of Sarah Butler, stands with his family as he delivers a statement on the impact of the victim during the sentencing of Khalil Wheeler-Weaver in Newark, NJ on Wednesday October 6, 2021 (AP Photo / Seth Wenig, Pool)

Robin Daphne Michele West didn’t deserve, and I repeat, she didn’t deserve to be strangled and set on fire to leave her in a house weighing over 60 pounds for the destruction of that fire.He said, according to “Was she alive? Fought? What were your last words?West’s mother said, Anita mason.

Butler’s father, for his part, begged the judge to give him the “longest maximum sentence”. “And I hope he lives long and they will make him suffer every night in there like he made our daughter suffer“, mentioned. And then, turning directly to Wheeler-Weaver, he snapped,”I hope you are hurting, man, every night”.


An independent group of investigators claimed to have identified the “Zodiac Killer”, the serial killer who terrorized California 50 years ago.
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