Orban justified his homoody law for Hungary: “I defend the rights of homosexuals” | In the midst of controversy over the rule that prohibits the “promotion” of homosexuality among children


The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, defended itself from the criticisms received by the international community for its law qualified as homoodiante and assured that he is a “defender” of gay rights. On Thursday, European Union (EU) leaders issued a letter rejecting the law passed in Hungary last week, which forbids the “promotion” of homosexuality in children.

“We don’t have this type of law (against homosexuals). We have a law on the defense of the rights of children and parents.”, argued Orbán in front of the press while arriving at a summit which will bring together for two days the heads of state and government in person in Brussels.

The Hungarian president assured to have responded “immediately” and in writing to the letter published by the leaders of the EU, including Angela Merkel (Germany), Pedro Sánchez (Spain), Emmanuel Macron (France), Mette Frederiksen (Denmark) and Mario Draghi (Italy), among others.

Hate, intolerance and discrimination have no place in our Union. This is why, today and every day, we defend LGBTI diversity and equality so that our future generations can grow up in a Europe of equality and respect ”, indicates the letter published by Sánchez on his Twitter account. .

But Orbán assured that the law “does not concern homosexuality” but “children and parents”. “I am a defender of rights. I was a freedom fighter against the communist regime, homosexuality was punished and I fought for freedoms and rights and I defend the rights of homosexuals“, argument.

However, last year Orban made some homicidal statements asking the country’s gay community to leave “the kids alone” after the publication of a children’s book featuring LGBTIQ + characters.

The Hungarian minister added that the law – which is already in force – gives “the exclusive right to parents to decide whether they want their children to receive sex education” and that those who criticize the rule it is because “they have not read it”.

Orban said he was “ready to talk about this new law to anyone who has respected Hungary”, including European Commission President Ursula von der Layen, who called the new regulations “a shame”. Despite this, the prime minister said he would not discuss the issue at the top because “it is not on the agenda”.

What does the contested Hungarian law say

Hungarian law stipulates that “pornography and content depicting sexuality or encouraging deviation from gender identity, sex reassignment or homosexuality shall not be accessible to persons under the age of 18”.

In practice, this will mean the prohibition of educational programs or advertising solidarity with sexual or gender minorities, like that of Coca-Cola with a couple of men who in 2019 had launched calls for a boycott in this country.

In Hungary, a law had already been passed which prohibits same-sex couples from adopting children.

In a letter sent Wednesday to the Hungarian Minister of Justice, the European Commissioners for Justice, Didier Reynders, and the Commissioners for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, said that Brussels “would not hesitate to take action in accordance with its powers in under the treaty “. the law obtained final approval.

The commissioners list in their letter, posted by Reynders on his Twitter account, the European standards violated by LGTBIQ + legislation of Hungary, including the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, audiovisual and media regulation and rules governing the provision of services in the single market.

On the other hand, the Munich city hall illuminated the buildings in the colors of the LGBTIQ + flag as a means of demonstrating against Hungarian law. The Bavarian city hosted the Hungarian national team for a European Championship game on Wednesday after UEFA banned the rainbow-colored lighting of the Allianz Arena stadium.


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