Oregon Decriminalizes Possession of Small Doses of …


The state of Oregon became the first in America to decriminalize the small-scale possession of heavy drugs such as cocaine and heroin, and in the legalization of access to hallucinogenic mushrooms for therapeutic use. In addition, cannabis will be Leaguel Arizona, Montana, South Dakota and New Jersey, according to the results of plebiscites held in those districts in conjunction with the presidential elections.

A voting initiative was also approved in favor of the decriminalization of a wide range of psychedelics in the nation’s capital, Washington DC, the fourth jurisdiction which promulgated the reform.

With measure 110, passed in Oregon, the possession of small quantities of heavy drugs will become a civil and not a criminal offense, with a planned fine of $ 100 or free rehab treatment, which will be funded by tax revenues from the cannabis industry, which is legal in this state.

The amount of drug allowed will also vary depending on the substance: one gram or less for heroin, two grams for cocaine, etc. Currently, drug possession in Oregon carries fines of up to $ 6,250 and one year in prison.

The production and sale of these drugs will remain illegal under the proposal, which has been approved by the Oregon Nurses Association, the Oregon Chapter of the American College of Physicians and the Oregon Academy of Family Psychiatry, and than seeks to remove drug users from the criminal justice system.

“Punishing people for drug use and drug addiction is costly and has not worked. More treatment instead of punishment is a better approachThe groups said in a statement. The founder of Facebook also supported the move. Mark Zuckerberg, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, who contributed $ 500,000 through their charitable foundation.

The second state initiative, 109, legalizes the therapeutic use of psilocybin, or hallucinogenic mushrooms, for people over 21 who suffer from conditions such as depression, addiction, and anxiety. The measure, approved by over 56% of voters, was led by Portland psychotherapists Tom and Sheri Eckert.

Psilocybin is currently being tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to determine its possible properties to help patients with severe depressive disorders or with post-traumatic stress.

“We are in the midst of a mental health crisis in Oregon,” warned Tom Eckert. “We have one of the highest rates of mental illness in the country. So the status quo is not working.” The state health authority will be responsible for establishing the regulations and criteria for the creation of consumption centers for these mushrooms, which will be operational until January 2023.

A measure adopted in Washington DC, Initiative 81, it also decriminalizes hallucinogenic mushrooms and other psychedelic substances.

Oregon was the first state in the United States to decriminalize cannabis in 1973 and legalized in 2014, like other states since. A total of 15 states have already decriminalized the recreational use of marijuana since 2012.

Arizona, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota legalized the recreational use of marijuana on Tuesday.

* In New Jersey, 66% approved that people over the age of 21 could grow and consume cannabis, and voted in favor of legal sale statewide.

* Residents of Arizona and Montana have allowed people 21 and over to consume cannabis recreationally and grow up to four plants for personal use.

* New Jersey, Arizona and Montana already governed the decriminalization of medical cannabis. From now on, new rules will be established for dispensaries. And there are taxes on the sale of cannabis like those that exist for the sale of alcohol.

* South Dakota voted to legalize recreational and medicinal marijuana, as well as the sale of the hemp plant, in 2022.


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