#OrgulloMexicano 7 fantastic dancers who shine all over the world


The dance It is a discipline in which one can observe the most beautiful movements created by the human being. Some say that the Music is able to heal and enlighten life, imagine now what happens when it combines with dance …

The art of dance it gives us a form of self-expression and self-awareness through which we can show our emotions, desires and pbadions using our body.

Maybe this art does not have the recognition it deserves, and maybe some believe that those who practice it do it by hobbie, but the opposite is true. There is dancers disciplined and constant in search of their dreams, they work day and night to become the best dancers in the world.

Honestly, listening to the words & # 39;dance& # 39; o & # 39;ballet", the first thing that comes to mind are Russian or European companies, but Mexico There is also talent. We have real stars who have triumphed in the Aztec land and who, in addition, are already recognized worldwide thanks to your work.

You must read: Amalia Hernández, 10 facts about the dancer who brought Mexico to the world

In the International Day of Dance, in De10.mx we show you the Mexicans who have conquered scenarios across the planet and which certainly fill us with a lot pride Look at our gallery!

With information from El Universal and México.mx

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