Origin of Covid-19: the theory of the virus “made in China” is picking up steam


A former diplomat of the Chinese regime denounced that his country broadcast “deliberately“The Covid-19 virus during a massive military tournament two months before the rest of the world knew the first news of this previously unknown coronavirus.

Wei Jingsheng, former member of the Chinese Communist Party and now considered a dissident, assured that the World Military Games – held in Wuhan from October 18 to 27, 2019 – were used as “an event of super spread ” of the coronavirus by the Chinese regime.

Wuhan, in central China, is considered by the West to be the “cradle” of the pandemic, since the first cases of Covid-19 were reported to the WHO in December 2019. Xi Jinping’s authoritarian regime desperately tried to stop whistleblowers and silence any mention of the virus in the early stages of the outbreak.

wuhan china coronavirus
Wuhan, in central China, is considered by Westerners to be the “cradle” of the pandemic, since the first cases of Covid-19 were reported to the WHO in December 2019.

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Even when nail fat number of corpses filled the morgues of Wuhan, any reference made on social media to a new virus or “epidemic” has been censored and medical staff who have tried to speak out and warn the world have been arrested and forced to sign false confessions.

Two months later, Wuhan had hosted the international tournament of nearly 9,000 military athletes from around the world. For democracy activist Jingsheng, it is no coincidence that some athletes fell ill with an illness that doctors considered mysterious.

I thought the Chinese government would take this opportunity to spread the virus during the Military Games, since there was a lot of foreigners there “Jingsheng told the UK network Sky News.

sick wuhan china
Xi Jinping’s authoritarian regime desperately tried to detain whistleblowers and silence any mention of the virus at the start of the epidemic.

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According to The Washington PostThe World Military Games were the most important in their history: the American delegation arrived with 280 athletes and staff representing 17 sports, from wrestling to golf.

However, during the two-week event, “many international athletes noticed that something was wrong in the city of Wuhan.” “Some later described it as a ‘ghost town’,” the newspaper said.

An “alarming coincidence”

El exdiplomático afirmó que había escuchado que el gobierno chino había llevado a cabo un “ejercicio inusual” durante los juegos y dijo que existía “la posibilidad de que el gobierno usara algunas armas extrañas, incluidas armas biológico that experimentos estabanque haciendía’ Type”.

Jingsheng claimed that French, German and American athletes who traveled to Wuhan to compete they were among those who fell ill with symptoms similar to Covid-19, but they have never been tested.

baby china wuhan coronavirus
Two months before the confirmation of the first cases of Covid-19, Wuhan had already hosted the international tournament of around 9,000 military athletes from around the world.

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When the pandemic broke out, athletes from several countries, including France, Germany, Italy and Luxembourg, have publicly declared that they suffered from Covid-19 after their trip to Wuhandepending on your symptoms and how your illnesses have spread to your loved ones.

In Spain, two athletes fell ill during their stay in China after “about a week in the country”, according to one of them. The first suffered from “throat problems, like the flu” then his roommate was “sick, sweaty, very fatty (…) with mucus and chest”. Says the symptoms they persisted “for three or four days.”

“The proximity of the World Military Games to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the new details of athletes potentially exposed to Covid-19 during their participation in the present event an alarming coincidence that our government must investigate to establish a precise timetable for the epidemic, ”wrote US Senator Roger Marshall at the beginning of September to Secretary of Health and Social Services Xavier Becerra.

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As coronavirus cases continued to grow in China, the regime hid the outbreak from the WHO until December 31, when the rumors could no longer be contained.

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This is consistent with a body of evidence suggesting the coronavirus may have been circulating for months before China reported it to the WHO. In Italy, scientists said they had detected evidence in blood samples taken since September 2019, while Spanish researchers say he could have been present there in January 2020, months before the first official case.

Jingsheng, that you filled a prison sentence for “counter-revolutionary activities” in China and when he was released he moved to the United States, says he voiced his concerns about the current situation to key figures in Donald Trump’s administration in November 2019, but was ignored.

“I felt they weren’t as worried as I was, so I did my best to provide more details and information,” he said. ” Maybe not will believe that a country’s government would do something like this, so I continued Make efforts to persuade them ”.

wuhan china coronavirus
“The proximity of the World Military Games to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the new details of athletes potentially exposed to Covid-19 during their participation in the event present an alarming coincidence,” said a US senator.

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Jingsheng said he was fully aware of what was going on in Hubei Province thanks to Communist Party members in Beijing who shared their fears over the situation and explicitly described the regime’s cover-up.

As coronavirus cases continued to grow in China, the diet hid the epidemic from the WHO until December 31, when it was no longer possible to contain rumors. A mysterious pneumonia is said to have sickened 44 people in Wuhan, but even then authorities continued to deny that the unknown virus could be transmitted from person to person.

WHO has called the mysterious epidemic ‘Public health emergency of international concern‘on January 30, 2020, as infections, which numbered in the thousands in China, began to affect other countries, including the United States. And in March, when the epidemic turned into a pandemic, the Chinese referred to the Military Games to propagate the hypothesis that the virus was not born in Wuhan, but in the United States, and was brought to China by the Army from the US Army Infectious Diseases Medical Research Institute at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

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