Origin of the coronavirus: China denounced the United States …


China targeted US intelligence “dark history” on Thursday, after President Joe Biden ordered an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has denied the responsibilities of the Asian giant and denounced that US uses pandemic “to engage in stigma and political manipulation”. Wednesday Biden reopened the wounds between the two powers by ordering U.S. intelligence agencies to notify you within 90 days if covid-19 first emerged in China from an animal source or laboratory accident.

“The motives and objectives of the Biden administration are clear”, He said Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in rejection of new research on the pandemic and the theory of origin in the laboratory, a hypothesis qualified by the World Health Organization (WHO) What “extremely unlikely”. “The world has long known about the dark history of US intelligence services”Zhao said in reference to Washington’s false accusations of weapons of mass destruction that justified its invasion of Iraq.

Zhao accused the United States of wanting to “use the pandemic to engage in stigma and political manipulation and to shirk its responsibilities“, And assured that the government of Democrat Joe Biden” does not care about the facts and the truth, nor is interested in the facts, nor in the trace of serious scientific origin “.

In his statements, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman went even further and raised a theory that the US military created the coronavirus. In this context, he called on Washington “to do the same as China and immediately cooperate with the WHO in the investigation into the tracing of origin in a scientific manner.”

China is very sensitive to claims it could have done more to stop the spread of a pandemic that has already killed more than 3.5 million people. and crippled economies across the world since the first case was known in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019. Beijing consistently rejects the theory that the virus may have emerged from a virology lab in Wuhan and blames the United States. United to “sell conspiracies”, “politicize the pandemic” and divert attention from their “own failures” to stop the new virus.

Returning to the theory of a lab breakout “is a disrespect for science and also an alteration in the global fight against the pandemic”, raised Zhao. The idea that the virus came out of a laboratory in Wuhan, however, is gaining more and more followers in the United States.

Quoting a US intelligence report, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that three people from Wuhan Institute of Virology hospitalized with seasonal illness in November 2019, a month before Beijing revealed the existence of a mysterious pneumonia epidemic.

The naturally occurring hypothesis, supported as the most likely by the WHO team of experts who recently visited China, argues that the virus first appeared in bats and then transmitted to humans, possibly through an intermediate species. This theory is widely accepted, despite the fact that over time scientists have not found a virus in bats or other animals that matches the genetic signature of SARS-CoV-2.


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