Oscar 2019 Awards: The Great Night of Green Book and Alfonso Cuarón


The film directed by Peter Farrelly is found with the most awaited statuette of the night Source: Reuters – Credit: Mike Blake

After more than three hours of transmission, the big moment has arrived: the best film of the awards ceremony


number 91. The winner of the category expected has turned out to be
Green paper, featuring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershalla Ali – who has been established as Best Supporting Actor and inspired by Don Shirley's life.

The film, which also won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, about the end of the ceremony, was won with the coveted latest award. "It's a love story for each other, despite the differences, we would not have a film without Viggo, we owe him everything," director Peter Farrelly concluded.

In addition to
Green paper,
Rome It is the film that followed him in recognition: he won the best film, director and foreign film awards. Alfonso Cuarón was very excited about the realization of his film,
this has the particularity of being released by the Netflix streaming platform and that after reaching cinemas in the United States, it was included in the list of nominees.

"The films nominated tonight show that we are all part of the same ocean," said the director at the time of the thanks. Cuarón also became the first director to be recognized for his work in the photography of his own film, made in a single image and in black and white.

Another big winner of this edition has been
Bohemian Rhapsody, which took four statuettes: three in the technical categories (editing, editing and mixing) and one in one of the main categories (Rami Malek, voted best actor).

Controversies apart

The controversies were part of the days preceding the delivery number 91 of

the Oscars

. In addition to having decided, for the first time in 30 years, to eliminate the character of the host –
the appointed Kevin Hart resigned from his post of driver after being designated by some homofóbicos comments that had made it on his Twitter account -, arrived of other modifications that were not well received .

In order to shorten the transmission, whose rating has been declining for years, the organization of the ceremony has made controversial decisions:
deliver batches in batches to
only two of the five nominated songs will be performed. After a general dissatisfaction, the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the cinema decided to go back with the measures and also gave up the addition of the category of the best popular film. Yes, he remained firm in the idea
cut the speeches of the winners to 90 seconds timed.

One of the questions that started to circulate after knowing the other
the news that there would be no driver was what would happen with the initial speech. It is in this context that the idea of ​​increasing the number of musicians and taking advantage of
Bohemian Rhapsody invite Brian May, Roger Taylor and Adam Lambert to open the night. And that's how the show started, with the two original members of Queen accompanied by their young singer who begins the opening of "We will rock you", followed by their version of "We are the Champions "and a" Welcome to the Oscars "by the charismatic singer.

Everyone has celebrated this opening: from Javier Bardem to Emma Watson, to Jennifer Lopez. There was not a star that did not rise from its seat. At 10 pm, the gala began which could not be shortened – it lasted several minutes longer than the stipulated three hours – and which had as particularity a countless number of commercial micro-breaks interrupting its rhythm.

The first prices

Delivery managers
the first prize was Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph. "We are not the hostesses, but we will stay long so that the recipients of the newspaper think we are," they said laughing before plunging into a wave of jokes about the controversies surrounding the 91st episode And, in Regarding the lots that would be given in the lots, they badured that they would advertise during the transmission. And what they did.

It was the first of many celebrities to present the nominees and winners at what would be a parade of numbers,
Not as much as on the red carpet. The first statuette was best-supporting actress, who was eventually entrusted to Regina King for her work in
If Beale Street could speak. "James Baldwin gave birth to this baby and he accompanied her, nurtured her, gave her a lot of love, I am an example of what happens when they fill you with support and help. love, mom, I love you very much, thank you for having learned that God has always inclined towards me, "she says remarkably excited.

Regina King, winner of Best Supporting Actress for If Beale Street Could Talk Talk
Regina King, winner of Best Supporting Actress for If Beale Street Could Talk Talk Source: Reuters – Credit: Mike Blake

Jason Momoa and Hellen Mirren continued on the list of presenters "We do not agree with Jason, but it shows that a Hawaiian god and a British woman like me can use the pink color," joked the actress before announcing the nominees. documentary
Free Solo, from National Geographic, ended up being the winner. "Thank you for hiring women and people of color", were the words of thanks.

Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine spoke about
The Vice-President: Beyond Power, one of the films competing for the best film. The
o who followed were the charismatic Elssie Fisher and Stephen James, who announced that the film based on Dick Cheney's figure, precisely, had received the prize for best makeup and best hairstyles.

Melissa McCarthy, dressed as a queen and with rabbits in her hands, was the funniest presenter of the evening. With the inability to open the envelope to announce the winner to the best costume design, the actress inspired the first memes. "Thank you for having told the African-American story," said the designer of
black Panther, after downloading to receive your prize. A few seconds later, the film would reappear with a statuette, when Jennifer Lopez and Chris Evans announced the winner of the best production design. "I'm very nervous, I'm shaking, I'm stronger thanks to Marvel, who gave me this opportunity," said Hannah Beachler, team leader, who was also the first female African-American woman American to be nominated and won in this category.

After the #OscarsSoWhite campaign, which took place in 2015, in the absence of nominees in the most important color categories, a claim was made during the other ceremonies.
Luz de Luna won the prize for best film in 2017, which had its peak. One of the big surprises was the appointment of
black Panther to a better movie, a film that also competed in 6 other categories and that was done with 3 of them.

Music and requests

After announcing the award for best photography, Emilia Clarke presented the song "I'm Fight", from the documentary
RBG, and she gave birth to Jennifer Hudson, protagonist of the second musical moment of the night. Later, tennis player Serena Williams introduced
A star Is Born, and James Mcavoy and Danai Gurira took the floor to award the award for best sound editing and sound mixing, for
Bohemian Rhapsody, the biopic of the queen.

With Angela Bbadset and Javier Bardem, the Oscars broke new ground: the presenter of the award decided to speak in Spanish. "There are no borders, no walls that prevent talent and ingenuity, in every country, on every continent of the world, stories affect us, tonight we celebrate the world. importance and excellence of cultures and languages ​​of different countries, "said the actor. Spanish before announcing the award for best foreign film, which was for

"The place where lost things go", by
The return of Mary Poppins, was played by Bette Midler, who took the place of Emily Blunt, who suffers from sadness and prefers not to appear live on the stage of Dolby Theater.

Michael Keaton presented the third prize for
Bohemian Rhapsodywhich was a better edition. "Freddie Mercury has joined us all," said the winner in his succinct speech. With glbades and a woolen hat, Mahershala Ali went up to receive his second Oscar as a supporting role for his work in
Green paper The hosts this time were Charlize Theron and Daniel Craig.

In the category of best animated film, the price went to
Spiderman: a new universe. And another block of music came up with "When a cowboy swaps his spurs for wings", from the movie
The ballad of Buster Scruggs. It was performed by David Rawlings and Gillian Welch.

After presenting to
Bohemian RhapsodyAcadamia received the award for Best Animated Short Film and Best Short Documentary. In the first category, the statuette was for
Bao and in the second, for
Period End of sentence, a film that can be seen on Netflix and tells the story of a group of women from India, to whom a machine that produces sanitary napkins changes their lives.

Diego Luna also chose to speak Spanish at the ceremony and joked about it. "You can already speak Spanish at the Oscars, they have opened the door for us and we will not leave," he said before presenting other nominees for the best film in Rome.
The first man on the moon, so he stayed with the price of special effects.

And right there, after more than half of the ceremony, one of the most acclaimed moments: Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper walked hand in hand of the public on the stage to create a beautiful version (somewhat false) of "Shallow", the nominated and winning theme of
A star Is Born. The song is over with the protagonists sitting at the piano, singing together.

A final with surprises

After the short and short live action – which was in the hands of the Israeli skin – the ceremony aimed to hand over the most important prizes of the night. One of them was announced by Samuel L. Jackson to Nick Vallelonga and Peter Farrelly, best original screenplay for his work in
Green paper.

After endless jokes for Spike Lee, director of
The KKKlan infiltrate, the man dressed in purple went up to remove the statuette adapted to the script. "February is the month of black history, years ago, when we were robbed and taken away as slaves to work the land," began the director, one of those who stole time on stage and respected the 90 seconds. And he added, in one of the only political speeches: "I want to pay homage to our ancestors who built this country, the elections are close, we will place ourselves on the right side of history".

In the categories of the soundtrack and the song, the winners were
black Panther and "shallow", respectively. Gaga, one of the most emotional of the evening, said: "Thanks Bradley, there is no other person who could sing this song with me like you, I worked very hard for a long time. have a dream, fight for it. "That was the only price he got up with
A star Is Born, who competed in 7 categories.

As in all editions, a block has been designed for those who have died in the past year. In Memoriam arrived with the music of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and presented by John Bailey, director of the Academy. The winners included Margot Kidder, Neil Simon, Burt Reynolds, Stan Lee, Tab Hunter and Bruno Ganz. As always there was
some omissions that social networks have not been slow to point out.

At the end of the presentation, Barbra Streisand was one of the most applauded presenters by the audience. She told and told the story of
The KKKlan infiltrate. The diva said that after seeing the movie, she called the director, Spike Lee, to congratulate him. That's how one of the big moments happened: as we had supposed, the statuette of the best actor was Rami Malek, for his personification of Freddie Mercury in
Bohemian Rhapsody. The winners were Allison Janney and Gary Oldman.

"Oh my God, my mother is here, I'm very grateful to everyone, I was not the first choice, but it worked, thanks to Queen for letting me have a small part of her great legacy, "said Malek, who also gave him the award. Lucy Boynton, the actress who played the role of Mary Austin in the film and who became his girlfriend in real life. "We made a film about an immigrant, a homobadual who was sincere without apologies, we want more stories like this, I am an Egyptian son, we want to make history."

Frances McDormand handed one of the most unexpected awards of the evening.
Many have speculated that Glenn Close would be the winner in the best actress category for her role in The Wife, but that could not be the case. Olivia Colman did not expect it either. Hearing her name, the actress
The favourite She kissed her husband and started shaking, something that she could not control during her speech on stage.

"I have a lot of stress, it's very funny. [Lanthimos, el director del film] he's the best director and Emma [Stone] and Rachel Weisz], the best women to fall in love. Glenn did not want it to be like that, you're my usual idol. I was working in the cleaning of houses and I dreamed about that, "she said between tears that even infected her husband, who was watching her from the stalls .. Canon plays Queen Anne of England in the film original of the Greek filmmaker who was nominated in 10 categories, only one was raised.

After one o'clock in the morning, it still remained to know who would win in the headings and the film. Guillermo del Toro came to announce the one chosen by the Academy, a point that many had reported in the absence of appointed directors. "Yesterday, I had a fever but I would not have missed anything in the world this time," said the man behind
The shape of the water. He therefore had the honor of handing over the statue to his compatriot Alfonso Cuarón, who received this distinction for the second time in his career and is the second Mexican to obtain two Oscars (the other is Alejandro González Iñárritu ).

"Thank you, thank you very much, the price is dedicated to Yaritza [Aparicio] and at the marina [de Tavira] -Archives that have been nominated for their work in
Rome-, they wear the film. I want to thank the Academy for recognizing a movie about an Aboriginal woman, one of the 70 million domestic workers without labor rights in the world, a character who has always been relegated to the cinema, "he said in his last speech:" Thank you very much, Mexico. "

Finally, Julia Roberts made her triumphant appearance. With a fuchsia dress, the actress presented with almost no preamble the winner of the category of the best film. As we speculated, the statuette was for
Green paperdespite the fact that the film had only two distinctions and had not been among the most nominated compared to
Rome and
The favourite. "We made this film with love, tenderness and respect," said Vallelonga, son of intimate friend Don Shirley, who was traveling on a tour of the southern United States, inspired by the script.

So ended this particular ceremony that not only had the presenter absence, but had a clearly apolitical content. During the long ceremony, they avoided talking about #MeToo, the movement of artists who was encouraged to denounce the abuses in Hollywood and to demand more space for women in the industry and for President Donald Trump. Only in speeches like Spike Lee or Javier Bardem did we indirectly talk about elections and walls. In addition to leaving aside women in certain regions, the Academy has paid particular attention to the African-American presence. Another good news of this release is the choice of a Latino as best director and the reward of a film designed to be screened on a streaming platform. It will be necessary to see if, next year, the Academy will decide to give more room to women in other fields and if, beyond its nomination, it will decide to reward the most experimental and audacious cinema, like the one made by the Greek Lanthimos.


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