Oscar Aguad on the role of the armed forces: "You must take out the backpack of the seventies" – 07/25/2018


Oscar Aguad defended the reform of the Argentine defense system and came to the crossroads of opposition sectors demanding that the debate go through Congress. "We must remove the backpack of the 70s Armed Forces" asked the Minister of Defense of the Nation.

The leader has defined as necessary the change in the role of the Armed Forces. "The conflict hypotheses of the past implied the participation of other states.We have no more enemies in Latin America, but there is new dangers of the 21st century: international terrorism, trafficking drug, cyber defense ", Aguad. "Argentina," he said, "must arm himself to defend himself against new threats and new challenges."

In this sense, he came to the crossroads of the opposition sectors that resort to the memory of the last military dictatorship to invalidate the official project.

"We must take the armed forces out of the backpack of the 1970s We have been living in democracy for over 30 years and we had no chance of the armed forces acting on their behalf. place "Aguad, in" A back voces "

" The majority of senior military is 50. Some were not born in the 70s. They are other armed forces " added the minister.

In addition, appealed to Estela de Carlotto, l & # 39, one of the personalities who were pronounced against the initiative: "Carlotto, do you believe that the country will be delayed by 50 years? We live a new century, a time different from the sixties. ten, and these armed forces are not the same "

Finally, he refers to the march of repudiation that is preparing for this Thursday before the Ministry of Defense. "It is an empty march of content: there is no possibility for the armed forces to act in internal security. The Armed Forces are for national defense, and new roles need to be established, "said Aguad.

The government initiative, announced Monday, began with Decree 683, published Tuesday in the Official Journal. This regulation introduced amendments to Decree 727/06 and repealed Decree No. 1691 of this year which, according to the current ruling party, restricts the work of the armed forces.


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